Tuesday, February 24, 2009

MLC 1013(first assignment)


Monday, September 29, 2008


Well, as we know, today, many people do love to create a personal blog for themselves.
As i know, majority of my friends used to have own blog. In that blog, they post everything they want there.In my country, there are several famous blogs along Malaysia. I had forget some of the link.

Blog provide news to me?
I think i agreed with that statement.For example, when i doing my english assignment this trimester, i surf and researched on some blog for my topic " Coffee good for health"
In some blog, they really do give me the information i needed. Furthermore, they also give me some alternative information to me.

Therefore, if you ask me about blog, i fully support that blogs do give us information

Sunday, September 28, 2008


"The Emerging Power of Blogs and blogging in alternative news". What is your opinion on this? Share some of your favourite blogs that provides alternative news about your country.

I totally agree with what Lam said , before blog was created the 'in' thing is forum everyone use forum to communicate , gain information and also ask questions . After blog is created like what David said they used it as an online dairy , writing their daily stuff like what they did and what is happening , after awhile bloggers starts to write stuff like food blogging , fashion , politics and etc .

Well there are a few bloggers that i like to read for example , kennysia , xiaxue , dawnyang , kidchan and many more .This bloggers are really well known throughout asia , for example kidchan he is one of the well known wedding photographer in malaysia . While kennysia is one of the most famous blogger he is listed as one of the most influencial blogger in asia .


Famous blogs

I'm sure everybody has heard of Kenny Sia ?


A blogger that blogs everything from day to day life, politics, jokes, products as well as traveling.

He received numerous awards before for his blog such as the " Asian Blog of the Year Award " and are well known not only in Malaysia but at other countries too.

No blogs from my country

Oh its really amazing how time really goes by in a blink of a eye,i cant believe we are already approaching the end of the trimester. Iv learnt a lot of you guys, and i wish to believe that yall have learnt a thing or two from me too. with all that being said, let me proceed to the issue at hand...

Unfortunately, like as Pono has pointed out, the internet in my country(Botswana) is still at its infant stage. Therefore there is no existing blogs hosted by anyone there. This might sound somehow untrue, but it is very true. Today i browsed the net looking for any personal blogs from anyone residing in my country, and all i came up with was just tourism blogs, but nothing personal...And as i looked deeper,there were just a few people who had registered to this blog. which means that, at this moment in time the internet is not a very effective way to media information, because out of a population of 1.8 million its only a few thousands who have the privilege of benefiting from blogs. i feather discovered that a few of these existing blogs,are not followed up on regular basis, therefore many at times the information written will be long overdue...This is very sad for me to be revealing such embarrassing facts about my country.*sniff*sniff*

Mogolo Kefalotse Ramalebang


"The Emerging Power of Blogs and blogging in alternative news". What is your opinion on this? Share some of your favourite blogs that provides alternative news about your country.

I agree with lam, a few year back, blogs were not the "in" thing. People used it as online diaries. But now, the spread of news through this media has became so common people see it as another form of media.

The power of blogging is strong.it is another of the oldest communication form like the letter only in a digital way. Now, blogs are not just a personal diaries or letters, blogs are now one of the most used media to communicate, to understand and to spread information. Blogging creates a personality too, from the day we start blogging our first post, people read it and they tend to get the feel of it after reading it a couple more post of the person behind the keyboard. And also, people believe in what they read at first, and the blog is another way to communicate. http://4webresults.com/blog/blogging/power-of-blogging

the last topic...thanks god

hey people....it was really nice working with you,and believe me i learnt a lot from a lot of of you guys..and hopefully its just the beginning.

back to the topic at hand...well its not really nice nor interesting,because there is no crashing others down which is what i think made it fun..and the first thing i am going to point out is that in my country the internet thing is not common,really a rare thing to find...so blogs,are not common and i think we still going a long way to that point..so unfortunately,there is nothing to share with you guys..