Sunday, September 28, 2008

No blogs from my country

Oh its really amazing how time really goes by in a blink of a eye,i cant believe we are already approaching the end of the trimester. Iv learnt a lot of you guys, and i wish to believe that yall have learnt a thing or two from me too. with all that being said, let me proceed to the issue at hand...

Unfortunately, like as Pono has pointed out, the internet in my country(Botswana) is still at its infant stage. Therefore there is no existing blogs hosted by anyone there. This might sound somehow untrue, but it is very true. Today i browsed the net looking for any personal blogs from anyone residing in my country, and all i came up with was just tourism blogs, but nothing personal...And as i looked deeper,there were just a few people who had registered to this blog. which means that, at this moment in time the internet is not a very effective way to media information, because out of a population of 1.8 million its only a few thousands who have the privilege of benefiting from blogs. i feather discovered that a few of these existing blogs,are not followed up on regular basis, therefore many at times the information written will be long overdue...This is very sad for me to be revealing such embarrassing facts about my country.*sniff*sniff*

Mogolo Kefalotse Ramalebang

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