Sunday, September 28, 2008


"The Emerging Power of Blogs and blogging in alternative news". What is your opinion on this? Share some of your favourite blogs that provides alternative news about your country.

I agree with lam, a few year back, blogs were not the "in" thing. People used it as online diaries. But now, the spread of news through this media has became so common people see it as another form of media.

The power of blogging is is another of the oldest communication form like the letter only in a digital way. Now, blogs are not just a personal diaries or letters, blogs are now one of the most used media to communicate, to understand and to spread information. Blogging creates a personality too, from the day we start blogging our first post, people read it and they tend to get the feel of it after reading it a couple more post of the person behind the keyboard. And also, people believe in what they read at first, and the blog is another way to communicate.

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