Saturday, September 20, 2008

Don't like that very much...

It have a big different than before.

You should know everything in this word have contacts ‘The Butterfly Effect’ , so the 78 sen increase in petrol price means is not only the petrol price go up ,it have a big influence for our life in Malaysia.

I think every student in MMU can feel that ,it have one day before,whan we go out by taxi to Alamanda the taxi driver told us it’s RM18 now…we asked the reason ,they told me the petrol price is go up…OK,RM18 is ok ,we go to alamanda than go to the supermarket we found the price of meats was go up,the price of eggs was go up,the price of rice was go up,the price of oil ,fruit,milk…the price of everything was going up.

But one thing don't change,that is our alimony,you can see this is not only a burden for our parents but also a burden for the students lile us .

When we go out we will spend much more money.we don't like suffer from that… it will make us thinked were we can spend our extra curricular time.

Stay at home, study in school that cant have a good influence for the university students.

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