Sunday, September 14, 2008

Malaysian market

Why are music albums by Malaysian singers NOT selling well in Malaysia now? What happened and how could we bring back the buyers?

One of the reason why Malaysian albums not selling well in our own country is because we are so flooded by the western music and culture. We listen mostly to western music such as bands and singers like Celine Dion, Mariah Carey or My Chemical Romance. The western influences us so heavily that "WE" ourselves think that our local bands or singer albums are not good enough or even up to par with the western music industry. With these kind of thoughts, it's very hard to encourage us to listen to local albums.

What we see in our local musician is, most of the English singing bands or singers are kind of a " wannabe ". For example the Rap group. You can see almost a 100% dress up, culture and style they picked up from western American rappers.The clothing, the slang and even culture. We don't have our own... Style, local style of music. the more they wanna be westernized, the more they are being compared to.

1 comment:

mogolo said...

its sad really...i feel that the reason why these people are becoming wanna~be's is because they see that they are losing the market to western musicians.they are merely trying to keep up with the times,its just their market strategy.but somethings are just inevitable..