Friday, September 19, 2008

Big difference

its a rather big difference compared to before the increase in petrol prices. Last time, i used to travel to kuala lumpur from cyberjaya 3 or 4 times a week, before the increase, i could fill Rm10 for me to go to kl and back to cyberjaya if my petrol ran out. But now? I hardly would want to travel anywhere if there is no emergency, although my parents cover my petrol charges every week, sometimes ill have to refill it myself, a full tank cost me at least RM100, whereas before was RM 60 plus, i big difference for students like us who needs money for daily usage such as food, and assignments. One thing is without the car, we would waste alot of time taking public transport, to and fro. The car could saves up alot of our precious time. So its kind of an opportunity cost for us now.


wangzi's blog for cg1 said...

My Dear Dave I can comprehend you.
I know every time go out to paly you are tired to drive and you should sustain the fee of petrol.
Now unexpected that you should suatain more money for the fee of petrol,you cant feel good I know.hehe if we always go out to paly or buy something this can be a problem for you .
Every one of us don't like price going up. So ,take care by yourself~

David David David said...

lol... as long as everybody is happy. haha..