Wednesday, September 3, 2008

quiz show discussion

I wish to appologise to you guys for my late submission concerning the quiz show blog.Its because previously it was stated that the deadline for it is the 7th of September....i hope u guys remember!but anyway, back to the topic.

QUESTION:Do you think other TV programs; either American or elsewhere could have some kind of cheating in their programs? Suggest one; and why you think so.

I believe that so many other programs on Tv today have the same cheating that was present during the quiz show. It appears to be rather unnatural for someone, no matter how learned they are, to master everything in every field.
There are a few shows that i suspect to have the same unjust system, but il just mention one! I wonder if you guys know a show called "ARE YOU SMARTER THAN A FIFTH GRADER?",well, for those who do not know it,i'l take this time to shed some light....(in this program, children from the fifth grade are made to compete against Adults. They are always given extremely challenging questions, and more often, or should i say almost all the time,its the fifth grader who answers correctly and his/her competitor(who is usually a person of a very sound Educational background) mostly if not always,LOSES!
This really sounds fishy to me!I know there are genius children out there,but this show just makes it seem as if almost all fifth graders who enter for that show is a genius! furthermore, i feel that producers of this show could be helping these 5th graders with revision before the actual show, because they want the kids to appear to be intelligent,and moreover to continue the legacy of the show... which is to prove to the educated Adult competitor that they are not really wise,and that children can actually be that Smart! This is just entertainment!nothing else!

Reference :

Mogolo Kefalotse Ramalebang

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