Sunday, September 7, 2008


I think that news papers are a reliable source of information just like any others like TV and radio and others.i have read about sensationalized things before in my home country and the topic was scandalous and think that to that person talked of it was real embarrassing because they were talking about a well known intertainer who was also famous for singing kwaito music which of cause you have nt heard of.And they were talking about his embarrassing past moments in his life after a little incident which took place at a certain place somewhere around Gaborone.

i think this things are done just for the company to run,or something to fill up the space,pull someone down or simply embarass the hell out of someone...


wangzi's blog for cg1 said...

i agree with u ~
thing like this its like a commercial rumormongering.
today so many information we can feeling in everyday ,despite "YELLOW JOURNALISM" give us so many possible,but we should to guss should to choose which one we can believe,that's so tired for today's busy i dont like "YELLOW JOURNALISM".

mogolo said...

i agree with you guys, the media is just after making profit,and will do anything to achieve that,even if it means publishing scandals and more often put a lot of exaggeration as a way to attract more readers...