Sunday, September 21, 2008

the 78 cent effect

most of our daily needs price has also rise up as the cause of this 78 cent.Last time when i was at home,i can drive freely,without thinking of the petrol,but now,whenever i go,i need to think about the petrol before i can go enjoy,and that like no more fun.As the price of fuel rise up, the:
"Rising oil prices have added to the problems facing the government. Second Finance Minister Tan Sri Mohamed Yakcop warned that the cost of oil subsidies would amount to Ringgit Malaysia (RM) 18 billion to RM 19 billion this year—a huge increase of RM 7 billion to RM 8 billion over last year ($US1=RM3.2). Overall, government fuel subsidies are predicted to cost more than RM 56 billion this year—up from an earlier prediction of RM 35 billion."
this information were taken from

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