Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Topic Discussion 6 (Blog Assignment)

Topic Discussion 6 (Blog Assignment) :

Dear Friends,

Here is the topic discussion 6.

REMINDER: DEADLINE - SEPTEMBER 14, 2008, 12 midnight

Choose any one of these questions and start sharing, discussing, debating etc.

  • Why everybody ‘digs’ love songs?
  • Ten of your best songs of all times and why?
  • Why are music albums by Malaysian singers NOT selling well in Malaysia now? What happened and how could we bring back the buyers?
  • Is there a future for traditional songs of patriotism and culture?

EACH student must post at least 2 informal responses (2%), 2 reflective responses (2%), cite one reference (no wikipedia!, please) (1%) that deepens understanding of the topic discussion over a period of 5 days to 7 days. Please refer to Assignment brief slides under "Assignments" for more detail information.

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