Friday, August 1, 2008

Everyone.. Lets discuss bout the topic

Why do FCM students don't go to art museums or art galleries ? In my opinion, if you are not talking on the general side, not all FCM students don't go to museums or art galleries. Me in particular will always visit the museums of different states where i visited to explore the hisotry and culture of that certain states or country. I love history and getting to know the past could be an interesting experience to have.

Not to say i don't favor the art galleries , but some museums would have an exhibition on arts sometime. When i was in Kuching a few months ago, i visited the Chinese ink calligraphy and art exhibition and i see wonders they can do with just a brush and a black ink.

From my i can understand from the question , why FCM students don't go to those places is because we are so overwhelmed with digital technologies such as those Internets, computers and televisions. We see no point of visiting those places where we can surf arts and galleries a click away from our PC. FCM students in particular likes to have fun where i see visiting the museums are unlikely to happen too often.

Any opinions on my thoughts my fellow authorssssss ????


samira said...

i agree with you about this reason and i add the laziness to this matter to make it more clear!

David David David said...

yeah, laziness is a part of it to. Hardly can a student travel all the way to the museum or the art gallery while there is so much entertainment at home and in the PC :)

v said...

i agree with the technology part,because that is one of the reason why i hardly go to museum or art gallery.Besides,we can find many things or art work in the web,which is just by clicking on it,and all artwork will appear.

Ziyin said...

i totally agree with phoon phoon , on the technology part . As we knew we are able to do anything through the internet . Therefore i doubt that we are not able to find any art website through the net , like what veera said by just a click types of artwork appear not only the artwork it also shows the artist name and the year the art was drawn

wangzi's blog for cg1 said...

Yes I agree with david because some place we are thinking the same reason,thats true like he said that FCM students in particular likes to have fun where i see visiting the museums are unlikely to happen too often.
All us are tired to study , we think we cant use too much time to paly and we can see the show online so that was the reason why we don't like to go out to go to museums.

Farouq said...

Phoon Phoon is right. Would you rather spend RM30-RM50 for petrol,especially these days, or spend at least an hour in the comfort of your home looking at artwork through your computer which btw even if you do consume money in a way, you don't spend as much for the money I mentioned earlier. Ehehehehehh \/(^-^)