Sunday, August 24, 2008

Answer of Question 3

If you were the one in Charles Van Doren’s shoes, do you think you would do the same? (Confess your guilt on TV)

I believe that is the right way what he can do for this things.
Yes I will do the same,I think whatever you said all the fact or said the lies again,on TV it will be a new news by the media disseminate ,so if I say the trues I think I can end the
annoyance more quickly,because the media or TV just want find the thing which commonage pay attention or media choose which they want make it to a focus.
After that (confess your guilt on TV)it’s not courtroom,It will be the media and the common person will give a gauge and feedback for this. I think this is what we called the power of the
public opinion .

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