Saturday, August 2, 2008


David Phoon Phoon, i agreed with u. Even me will go visit the museum or art gallery sometimes...As we know, we must explore to get idea on our works, assignments and projects.
Well, let talk about the topic, Why do FCM students don't go to museums and art galleries? According to Phoon Phoon, we are so overwhelmed with digital technologies such as those Internets, computers and televisions.This is one of the reason. In other hand, time also can cause fcm students unable to visit museums and art galleries. Assignments , assignments and assignments!!!! So do u think we still have time to visit?.... As for myself, i always busy with FCM assignments. Totaly no time to do other things. Even taking breakfast, lunch and dinner also a problem to me...XD....

Hey buddys, Let post something here so we can discuss together....SHARE US YOUR KNOWLEDGES....." JANGAN SIAPP"...

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