Saturday, August 16, 2008


Yup , i have the same hero as Farouq , Sim and David . The hero that i worship for so long is my Dad and mom . Every word they said brings a lot of meaning and it really gave an impact to me . Well although sometimes i find it really annoying about what they say but in the end i do take their words and try my very best to do it . I found out that the more annoying they are the more i need to listen and respect . My dad has and awesome attitude which is his Determination and patient . He is indeed a very patient person , even i have done something wrong he will just calm down and talk to me in a calm way he never raise his voice to me not even to his workers . My mom well she is a good decision maker . Whatever decision she made she will stay with it . She taught me how turn negative into positive . She also taught me how to solve problems in any situation .



mogolo said...

i admire that fact that you consider your folks your heroes.thats wonderful.parents are just i wish i was back home *sigh*

wangzi's blog for cg1 said...

a good boy and a good son~hehe
yes,our parents ,our hero!as our first teacher in our life ,parents are very important and have a big influence for our life.All person can see them as a their hero,ziyin give another thinking over my opinion and i think that is a good way to introduce the hero.thank you and i love my parents,too.