Monday, August 4, 2008

hahahaha !

This is something i found on the net . Something about Museums and Galleries check it out .

i agree with farouq , they should update all the artwork every 6 months or so , not only a few pieces . With those changes it will attract more students to go to the museums or art galleries . We FCM students like new things , we prefer to explore on something new and different not the same old drawing or sculpture . I find it ridiculous if they change 1-5 artwork every 2-3 months .

Damn i agree with farouq , willie and sim gosh , who the hack voted david handsome ? i strongly advice you for a full medical check up ASAP . Crapssss - david , think of it , yup its true . Willie for this i can say ' grape is not sour ' hahaha because everyone agree with it

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