Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Topic Discussion 3 & 4 for Blog Assignment! :

Dear Students,

Reflect on the questions below and share your opinion over the next two weeks in your blog assignment.


DEADLINE: 24th August & 7th September 2008, 12 midnight.

Each week each student must post at least 2 informal responses (2%), 2 reflective responses (2%), cite one reference (no wikipedia!, please) (1%) that deepens understanding of the topic discussion over a period of 5 days to 7 days. Please refer to Assignment brief slides under "Assignments" for more detail information.

Questions to Ask and Points to Ponder
Quiz Show Movie Screening on Friday

  • At the end of the movie, when pressed for comments by reporters on the Public Enquiry of Charles Van Doren, a visibly annoyed Howard Stempel remarked: “You people (meaning: the press) never want to leave the guy alone unless you leave him alone.” What can we make of his comment here?
  • The movie examines a popular Television program which was said to be cheating. If they (the production people) cheated, why would you think that they were not punished?
  • If you were the one in Charles Van Doren’s shoes, do you think you would do the same? (Confess your guilt on TV)
  • Who do you think is to be blamed on this deception (lies): Television? Howard Stempel? Charles Van Doren? The sponsor? (Geritol – a pharmaceutical product)? The American people? Or all of them?
  • Do you think other TV programs; either American or elsewhere could have some kind of cheating in their programs? Suggest one; and why you think so.
  • Are there different sets of moral exist between academic and entertainment? Why and how so?
  • This movie is based on the social condition of the 50’s where the culture and attitude was different our present era of digital lifestyle. Would we have the same problems if there is such a program (like the Quiz Show) today?
  • Do you have a specific scene in the movie that you think deserved your vote for the most memorable scene? Discuss one.

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