Sunday, August 17, 2008

exactly,what is a hero?hmm

When i said my mom is my hero,that is for me,how about the society,of course in society,we also need a hero.So do we need the kind of hero that has super power or just a normal people with good thinking and strategies what should someone in society has to have become the hero,what is the criteria.Well,how bout we look back somewhere 300 BCE ago,that is when Alexander The Great,who conquered territory from Greece to India, penetrating 14,000 miles to the east of Greece, and since then it would be centuries before anyone could begin to match his stature. Half god or not, Alexander's heroism, on one level or another, can never be disputed.That was back then,how bout now,do we still need that kind of hero?
To me i think we still need that kind of hero,but somehow we need to add more such as the mind of the intellect, the attire of a gentleman, the talk of a diplomat and the behaviour and movement of an ambassador can clear the confusion of the present day. =)

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