Sunday, August 17, 2008

Hero Worship(information onlion)

i find some information of Hero-worship by a famous writer:Marie T. Russell.
hope that can help you learn and know more about this.

Hero worship has existed "forever"... it seems that humans have a need to worship someone or something "greater than" themselves. Whether we choose to worship an external God figure (like a saint), or a hero figure from a comic strip or movie, or the movie stars themselves, the concept is the same. We look up to someone else, someone other than ourselves, as "better than us" or "higher" than we are in our esteem and opinion.
Webster's has two definitions for hero. One which is similar to the concept mentioned above, and that is: a man of great courage, nobility, etc., or one admired for his exploits.
However, Webster's has a second definition for hero, and this is the one I'd like us to consider: the central male character in a novel, play, etc. (heroine is defined as a girl or woman hero in life or literature). For the sake of our discussion, let's consider the word hero as applying to both males and females.
So a hero is the central figure in a play... Being that, as Shakespeare so well put it in "As You Like It"...........(

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