Sunday, August 3, 2008

art museums or art galleries are not attract FCM students

Why do FCM students don't go to art museums or art galleries ?
First we should know what are there in art museums or galleries? and second we should know who FCM students are and what are they expect?

In general we could say almost museums or art galleries are for works has done very long time ago, it's rarely new works from young artists. And there are not much works and "up to date" is very very rarely.
FCM students are students of Information Society, we do love art but not really into art as the artists from museums or art galleries (eg: films, illustration design...).
FCM students find information from Internet (it's very old reasons but it's the most important). All works in gallery can be found in google easily (cause of more famous more easy searching).
Up to date, find things more relax and we're busy (cause of Galleries is far from Cyberjaya, hehe). As the habit of reading, now, FCM students also don't read much books as the seniors before used to do (I think they keep reading because from young, they don't have internet).
The last is I think FCM students stil go there but not much time, once or twice time in 1 place cause of not attranting FCM students.

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