Saturday, August 16, 2008

I half agree with David and Sim

So far, the heroes that have been mentioned are David's and Sim's Dad.My hero is not only my dad but my mum too. eheheh(dasar anak mak dan bapak).

My mum is truly the angel of my heart. Despite the space in my heart I have for Niigaki Risa, Kate Bosworth and Melissa Campbell, mum is the one that holds my heart up. She is the one that taught me how to love, give love and make love(thought that sounds bloody wrong right now). She also accidently taught me how to be witty and quite snappy with my comments.

My dad to me is really cool. He is really hardworking when he does his job and would even work late just to make sure the job gets done right. When he is at home, he also works hard to be a dad and the man of the family. I have really grown from watching how my dad lives his life and does his thing. When I look up the word dad, hardworking and strong, I can imagine his picture next to it.

My life is guided by both of my heroes and I must say I couldn't ask for any better heroes in my life.

1 comment:

David David David said...

I agree to that of your mom. Not only dad, but mom plays an important role in our lives too. My dad is a more stern and discipline person and mom is a little more caring and easy going person. She could be the wonderwomen in my life.

From what i see, the first hero and heroine we see when we first open our eyes is our mom and dad. They brought us to this world with heart of love and brought us up to be what we are today. I think they are the greatest hero of all.