Sunday, August 31, 2008

sexual and race influence?

it could be a fact, what we see from advertisement, television and magazines , models clad in sexy outfit, bikini, male models with lean and muscular figure is the popular appearance. We seldom see fat people or people besides the caucasian in tv ads. Why? It is the culture already. The young people now think that if they dont own that body of that model or have the nose or cheekbone of that actor, they will be left out and looked down. It all got to do with the proper up bringing and mindset. The media can influence the young minds easily and making then believe wat they see is always true. What wang zi said is true, we need to know how to differentiate between reality and fantasy.

Influence of Media upon Young People's Sexual Concept

To be frank, sex is such a great and hot topic that people ague and is interested in during the busy and changeable world. And of course it is really easy to find out the sexual information in our everyday life. Where does the sexual information exist on earth? How can you get such information without so much effort? And why are there many sexual problems among the young people? However, there is a clear but complex reason that is the power of the great media.
As we all know, TV, radio, newspaper, magazines, Internet and advertisement, such main active parts of the modern media have permeated to almost every fields of people’s life. One cannot study, work and even live without the help of the media now. As a result, people’s behaviors, customs and minds were unconsciously influenced and changed by the media, which exists everywhere.
It is said that, the pressure put on young people, especially on young girls through ads, television, film and new media to be sexually attractive and sexually active is profound. These days I have had some research that is about the influence of media on the Internet. The National Eating Disorders Association reports that one out of four TV commercials send some kind of "attractiveness message," telling viewers what is and is not attractive. The young Now reports that 38 per cent of the female characters in video games are scantily clad, 23 per cent baring breasts or cleavage, 31 per cent exposing thighs, another 31 per cent exposing stomachs or midriffs, and 15 per cent baring their behinds. What is attractive? What is sexy? The young had told us what they are in their mind.

Question 7

This movie is based on the social condition of the 50’s where the culture and attitude was different our present era of digital lifestyle. Would we have the same problems if there is such a program (like the Quiz Show) today?

Of couse we have.we called this age is digitak world that you can see the digital media in everywhere of our life.So the media have more influence for our life than before.
Today with the pressure of the growth people need free and have some fun as a adjustment for the busy life.Some people don't have so many time to go out have a fun so they what TV,online and read newspaper.Things like this you can see that people build upon the media today. I think this problem is more graveness than before .

Question 6

Are there different sets of moral exist between academic and entertainment? Why and how so?
Yes,of couse.there must have a different maral exist between academic and entertainment.

I think entertainment is just something fun,both the program and the actors just make fun give the audience,so audience should keep a feeling that just have a fun.The entertainment is another is one thing that scientific ,precise and we need reckon with that.
And I think both our fun and study we need.

Media Media Media

Without media, what would happen to the world?...
Media almost control everything in the world.(news, entertainment, sports, politics, economy and society). Media can be a part of us and almost all the thing we done will be through media.
Like what Anam and David said, the media did not fraud the viewers into giving them money. They're just giving the information to the audience but behind they do manipulated the mind of audience. As David mention, it's always up to the individual to choose or not. Media can't force bu they can attract and manipulate the viewers. At the end, all is just about money, people used media to make money and it's up to the person to make the choice.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Continuation of " Quiz Show " discussion

Choose any questions from the list to discuss, it will be followed up.

Thank you


DEADLINE: 7th September 2008, 12 midnight.

Each week each student must post at least 2 informal responses (2%), 2 reflective responses (2%), cite one reference (no wikipedia!, please) (1%) that deepens understanding of the topic discussion over a period of 5 days to 7 days. Please refer to Assignment brief slides under "Assignments" for more detail information.

  • At the end of the movie, when pressed for comments by reporters on the Public Enquiry of Charles Van Doren, a visibly annoyed Howard Stempel remarked: “You people (meaning: the press) never want to leave the guy alone unless you leave him alone.” What can we make of his comment here?
  • The movie examines a popular Television program which was said to be cheating. If they (the production people) cheated, why would you think that they were not punished?
  • Who do you think is to be blamed on this deception (lies): Television? Howard Stempel? Charles Van Doren? The sponsor? (Geritol – a pharmaceutical product)? The American people? Or all of them?
  • Do you think other TV programs; either American or elsewhere could have some kind of cheating in their programs? Suggest one; and why you think so.
  • Are there different sets of moral exist between academic and entertainment? Why and how so?
  • This movie is based on the social condition of the 50’s where the culture and attitude was different our present era of digital lifestyle. Would we have the same problems if there is such a program (like the Quiz Show) today?

Monday, August 25, 2008

question 3

If you were the one in Charles Van Doren’s shoes, do you think you would do the same? (Confess your guilt on TV

after TVs fault it was his fault accepting that unfair task.
But fair is this to say that it was so hard for him to confess in front of tousends of people.
i think i would do the same.


The media almost always win. Majority of the population on earth live through medias and technology. As i said earlier, shows on Televisions such as quiz show or game shows are merely for entertainment and money-making business. Whatever happen behind the scenes we do not care until we're told of any misconduct. But as a whole, we are just there for the entertainment and leisure, enjoyment and laughter. As long as we get entertained we're satisfied. Like what Anam said, the media did not fraud the viewers into giving them money. Plus, they told the game participant the truth before letting them play the game. It is up to the person to agree on it. The media just wanted to top the ranking, viewers have had their choices to view or not to view the program.

Enough said, all these are just merely ways and techniques in making money.

questoin 1

At the end of the movie, when pressed for comments by reporters on the Public Enquiry of Charles Van Doren, a visibly annoyed Howard Stempel remarked: “You people (meaning: the press) never want to leave the guy alone unless you leave him alone.” What can we make of his comment here?

the guy is blaming the reporters and correspondents because they are over investigating the information and are just somehow playing with his (van doren)reputation, it is right, he has lied but does he deserve all these?

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Confess your guilt on TV

If i am in Charles Van Doren shoes , i will confess my guilt on TV because whatever he did on TV whether the audience knew or not , it will always be in him , like what farouq say it will haunt him , eventually the truth will be revealed sooner or later , Why not tell the truth ? Say it out both parties will feel better , well not really both but the audience wants to know the truth not the fake part of it

question 5

Who do you think is to be blamed on this deception: Television? Howard Stempel? Charles Van Doren? The sponsor? (Geritol – a pharmaceutical product)? The American people? Or all of them?

in my opinion it was television's fault at first.because this cheat started by that and then van doren accept it.the power was in TV's hand to make the program.
people trust on this media and TVs should be blamed by th government to make a strong trust between people.espacially Tv that is being watched by a big amount of people.

The Power of the Media

Why does it matter that entertainment is slipping morally? Consider this: Have you ever gotten a tune stuck in your head? All you need to hear are a few bars and it starts involuntarily buzzing around in there. For hours. It could be a commercial jingle or a Top-40 hit. Maybe you heard it in a shopping mall or a restaurant. We wander through a supermarket and find ourselves humming the last song we heard on the radio before getting out of the car. We carry a hymn from the morning worship service with us long into Sunday afternoon. We toss and turn in bed trying to expunge an uninvited television theme song.
Then there’s the visual media. Most of us can recall disturbing images we wish we could erase from our minds. Things we’ve seen in movies, in magazines, on TV. The point is that music and images tend to travel with us. Good or bad, they rarely go in one ear and out the other. And the downward trend of entertainment morality means that we’re carrying around images and lyrics that are increasingly destructive.


the painful lie

1. i think the guy meant like it's enough torturing Van Doren, he has already confessed his guilt, don't humiliate him anymore.

2. what this television program did was simply hiding the truth, they did not swear that what they say is pure truth. and one more thing, they were most likely to be the first people tempted to hide the truth in order to get higher viewers' ranking or what so ever. they did not defraud the people and get their MONEY.

3. well, if i were in his shoes, i wouldn't have lied but if i had already started lying i wouldn't have revealed the truth unless the same thing would have happened to me (Charles Van Doren).

4. I think the person who is convinced to lie is to be blamed, even if the producer had offered him to lie, he should have not lied. the person tempted should be punished...

5.Sure, certainly, don't hesitate to think if it is true or not. as far as great money, fame and media is concerned there are lies that are being hidden from the people. But since i don't watch tv often, i just don't have any tv program in my mind.

6.There is a dichotomy between these two set of morals. Academic set of morals are to be strict since they are related to people future and lives, but entertainment, even if it is based on lies and people find out, they just didn't miss any important thing, a simple feel of being betrayed to! but what if a person is lied to when it is about education.... ?!

7.It is quite overt that we still have people that are surefooted viewers of TV programs (e.g. American Idol, Britains got talent), but they are not as that willing and depended on TV like before. So, i can predict like they won't be that upset if they find out they have been lied to, their population has increased much more than that era (50s) but they don't find it a serious problem if they are having the same problem like the scanda.

8. seems like the confessing scene was the most effective, painful and sensative scene throughout the movie, i guess it infulenced everyone, alittle bit painful though... .
anam badpa 1071115733

Answer of Question 8

Do you have a specific scene in the movie that you think deserved your vote for the most memorable scene? Discuss one.

It’s near the end,the lawyer who disclose and indict the lies,he site on a small chair behand the most lawyer and lookedvery sad,in the ebd of adjudgement he talk about (I cant remembered the frondise words):all us made a new news by media again and TV around us in of life we cant deny it.
Yeh I think in the end he found all the things what he do was used by TV again like another show..
I know that in this world if any one need something than will have someone to provied that,this is why the show is a big lie,because people want to see the more better more pefect winer and all the Tv and media like a big businessman he provied “every thing” we want,whatever that is lies or trues.

Answer of Question 3

If you were the one in Charles Van Doren’s shoes, do you think you would do the same? (Confess your guilt on TV)

I believe that is the right way what he can do for this things.
Yes I will do the same,I think whatever you said all the fact or said the lies again,on TV it will be a new news by the media disseminate ,so if I say the trues I think I can end the
annoyance more quickly,because the media or TV just want find the thing which commonage pay attention or media choose which they want make it to a focus.
After that (confess your guilt on TV)it’s not courtroom,It will be the media and the common person will give a gauge and feedback for this. I think this is what we called the power of the
public opinion .

Memorable scene

Well the most memorable scene in this movie will most probably be the part where Charles Van Doren confess that he did take part in the scam to his dad ( Mark Van Doren ) . The emotion and his guts to confess such a shameful crime that involve his family and his family name "Van Doren" is really a memorable scene in this movie . What i saw in this movie is honesty the best policy , although honesty hurts but its the only way to keep our dignity

Some References that I Found

In that websites, the article is all about how media make trick on audience mind. People do always believe everything in media. As people say, " Media always correct, No one will post or advertise something if it's wrong." Do you believe this?...As a example in that websites, Iraq war stories play tricks on the mind. Do you believe that?....News and advertisement always play trick on us. We tend to believe that everything from media. So, in my opinion, first, media give us information, after that, media manipulate our mind. That is my statement.

Agree Agree

I agreed with Mogolo statement.
According to her,she believe that if she was in their shoes, she would have taken the offer of such quick and easy money...its just tempting. Mostly everyone in this world would do that too, including me. Who don't like money?... No money, life would be as difficult like me now. I'm almost broke and i'm suffering now. " No Money No Talk"....that what would other peoples say if you're totally broke.
So, Do money really important?


Well well well....This time i totally agreed with Veera Juth.
No matter how rush we're, we must at least think of the step we choose or do.
If we make a careless mistake, we won't always be so lucky to cover that mistake.
People who make a choice without thinking are someone who will make more mistake.
So my friends, Think before ACTION!!!!

If you were the one in Charles Van Doren’s shoes, do you think you would do the same? (Confess your guilt on TV)

I think i won't do the same as Charles Van Doren's shoes. I won't confess my guilty. As ntLam mentioned, i'll be silence and keep it as a secret. We, as a nation tend to rake celebrities and politicians across the coals for things that we do every day. We think little of abusing them or "bringing them down". But, how do we know we'd act differently in their situation? Maybe We might just do the exact same things. Sometimes, I think that's why we are so self-righteous about it, because at the end of the day, we're all the same. We're all selfish.
Maybe i'll just walk away silently. This is what i'll do.

So, Do anyone have any others opinions or comments?

Most Memorable Scene

Howard Stempel tell everyone in the court that the TV program,21 is a scam. At the end , his statement had been totally rejected by the judges and juror because the media's people play a fool on him. Because he trust it, so he do mistake.

In my opinion, everyone should think before action. This is very importance as we can make some preparation so that we can avoid mistake.

Confessing the truth

On tv, the main thing i would confess is how handsome i am....muahahahaha.

If I were in Charles's position, I would have confessed sooner or later. Due to the fact that the guilt of cheating would have haunted me. It doesn't matter that you are an educated or uneducated person, you are still a human being. Things like this gonna is effect you in one way or another.

(-_-") Getting tired more and more these days.

confess your guilt on Tv?....-YES!

As tough as this might seem, i feel this is the right thing to do. So if i were in Charles Van Doren's shoes,i would confess my guilt on Tv too.I believe that every success that comes easily and without any hard work is too good to be true!And such success always ends in disaster!I would confess because there was a lot of cheating and manipulation involved.Despite the fact that i would shame my family,i would still confess...this will show that because i was given a very good upbringing by my parents,i know when enough is enough!!for the sake of having peace with my father,i would confess;especially to make it clear that he(my father) had no knowledge nor supported my actions in anyway!moreover, i will confess because the truth sets everyone free....even if i stood the chance of losing my job,and somehow facing some lawsuits,but at least the truth would set my soul free....i would be free of a guilty conscience at last!

Mogolo Kefalotse Ramalebang

memorable scene!

According to me, the most memorable scene was when we discovered that Herbie Stempel had been given the answers to the questions just like Charles Van Doren. I actually had a mixture of uncertain emotions towards everyone involved!at one point i actually regreted feeling sorry for him, for his loss over a very simple question about a movie he claims he had watched!i regret feeling sorry for him,because i realise that he is just as selfish as the likes of Albert Freedman. At the same time, i kind of not blame him(Herbie Stempel) nor Charles Van Doren for what they did. I believe that if i was in their shoes, i would have taken the offer of such quick and easy money...its just tempting


by: Mogolo Kefalotse Ramalebang

* Reminder *

The 2 questions to discuss from the topic

-Do you have a specific scene in the movie that you think deserved your vote for the most memorable scene? Discuss one.

-If you were the one in Charles Van Doren’s shoes, do you think you would do the same? (Confess your guilt on TV)

DEADLINE: 24th August & 7th September 2008, 12 midnight.

if i were in his shoes

If i were in Charles Van Doren’s shoes,i would confess,because it is involving the family name,and as you can see his father is a well known poet,so like one of the scene when his father said"your name is mine",that's enough to prove that we have to consider our family name before doing anything.Besides to be a human, that is the thing that we should do,the right thing,so i have the same thinking with David.

the scene

for me the most memorable scene is in the court where Howard Stempel made a statement that the TV program,which is 21,is a scam.He told everything about the scam to the judges and juror,however,because of his careless mistake,he been trick by the media's people and all his statement has been rejected.
In this scene,i have learn something,which is becareful in every steps that u take,because we would not know when someone will "get" us and bring us down,and i think this should be something to everyone has to realize.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Confess your guilt on TV - No.

If you were the one in Charles Van Doren’s shoes, do you think you would do the same? (Confess your guilt on TV)

Actually, in that case, If i were to be in Charles Van Doren's shoes, I think i wouldn't do that. I will leave in silent.
Dan gave Charles Van Doren :
* He had never earned a lot of money like that before
* People respect him via the Quiz Show
Dan made him bad? No,- He had been educated before came to the show, he was adult and He decided to do that, cases open to him.
So against him (cause of a stupid guys keep walking around and talked all time about sue Dan), it is for?
Tell the true to the audience? - to say you all stupid and I cheated you by this this, that that... when they are entertain.

It is entertaiment

First, I have to say it is an interesting movie cause of the true.
A specific scene in the movie that I think deserved my vote for the most memorable scene?, let's see. I think it is one of the last scene, when Dan answers the innocent of theirs.
And the media, killed Mark Van Doren because he against them - against MEDIA.
I like the sentence, finally, it is entertaiment, and audience doesn't need (or not allowed) to know about the true, beside the studio quiz show or whatever about media, all they want is entertaiment.
A news about Olympic in China, people knew a baby girl sang live sync the song of Olympic, actually, the girl sang that song is not beautiful. The oganization decided to do that just about want audience had a great time so they chose a beautiful girl to sing live sync that song). In this case, I think it somehow related to the movie Quiz Show.

Right thing to do

If i were to be in Charles Van Doren's shoes, I think i would have done the same. Being Charles Van Doren, an American Intellectual, professor and writer. a well educated person who place education first. I think i would confess my guilt because I have deceived many who look up upon me as a symbol of intellectual and knowledge by involving myself in this kind of entertainment-business scandal. For example, My father is a very well-known prize winning poet whose son were involved in a scandal. The son himself whose also well known for his own achievement, to live in this guilt, to go on carrying the responsibility and lies in his life. I dont think this is possible for him to do, as an educated person, confessing his guilt is the only solution to clear his name as well as his mistake.



The most memorable scene left in my mind from that movie is when Charles confesses to his father that the game show is all lies and he was part of the scam. The scene between the father and the son is very memorable. A father who is so famous for his knowledge as well as his son Charles. The two of them have to accept the fact that, the son has been involved in a scam and the father's name will be tarnished too. The conversation between them were meaningful and honest where Charles had even asked his dad to accompany him to his confession.

Any of my friends here had any memorable scenes from the movie we like to discuss about ?

Friday, August 22, 2008

The 2 questions to discuss from the topic

-Do you have a specific scene in the movie that you think deserved your vote for the most memorable scene? Discuss one.

-If you were the one in Charles Van Doren’s shoes, do you think you would do the same? (Confess your guilt on TV)


DEADLINE: 24th August & 7th September 2008, 12 midnight.

Each week each student must post at least 2 informal responses (2%), 2 reflective responses (2%), cite one reference (no wikipedia!, please) (1%) that deepens understanding of the topic discussion over a period of 5 days to 7 days. Please refer to Assignment brief slides under "Assignments" for more detail information.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Topic Discussion 3 & 4 for Blog Assignment! :

Dear Students,

Reflect on the questions below and share your opinion over the next two weeks in your blog assignment.


DEADLINE: 24th August & 7th September 2008, 12 midnight.

Each week each student must post at least 2 informal responses (2%), 2 reflective responses (2%), cite one reference (no wikipedia!, please) (1%) that deepens understanding of the topic discussion over a period of 5 days to 7 days. Please refer to Assignment brief slides under "Assignments" for more detail information.

Questions to Ask and Points to Ponder
Quiz Show Movie Screening on Friday

  • At the end of the movie, when pressed for comments by reporters on the Public Enquiry of Charles Van Doren, a visibly annoyed Howard Stempel remarked: “You people (meaning: the press) never want to leave the guy alone unless you leave him alone.” What can we make of his comment here?
  • The movie examines a popular Television program which was said to be cheating. If they (the production people) cheated, why would you think that they were not punished?
  • If you were the one in Charles Van Doren’s shoes, do you think you would do the same? (Confess your guilt on TV)
  • Who do you think is to be blamed on this deception (lies): Television? Howard Stempel? Charles Van Doren? The sponsor? (Geritol – a pharmaceutical product)? The American people? Or all of them?
  • Do you think other TV programs; either American or elsewhere could have some kind of cheating in their programs? Suggest one; and why you think so.
  • Are there different sets of moral exist between academic and entertainment? Why and how so?
  • This movie is based on the social condition of the 50’s where the culture and attitude was different our present era of digital lifestyle. Would we have the same problems if there is such a program (like the Quiz Show) today?
  • Do you have a specific scene in the movie that you think deserved your vote for the most memorable scene? Discuss one.

Sunday, August 17, 2008


You can go read some of the article there.
That is interesting.
"There is no universal hero," says sports psychologist Richard Lustberg, PhD. "Subjectively, the hero is created within you. Heroes are created as a great way to escape from whatever you need to escape from, and they can supply for you whatever you need."
I love this paragraph as 'There is no universal hero"....I think it's true sometimes.
So what do you think?.....


I love to watch superhero movies. Example, Spiderman, Superman and Batman....All the ".....MAN" superhero......
Tell you something, I can say....WOW, They are great and my idols. Sometimes, X-Men was my favorite too.
I don't care who be the Hero of the world, as long as he/she do something great and save the world. I don't mind a hero is a women or a girl...sometimes, a kid can be a hero to the world too. Example, you watched Spy Kids?....Wow....It was should go for it.....For sure you will say Wonderful..

exactly,what is a hero?hmm

When i said my mom is my hero,that is for me,how about the society,of course in society,we also need a hero.So do we need the kind of hero that has super power or just a normal people with good thinking and strategies what should someone in society has to have become the hero,what is the criteria.Well,how bout we look back somewhere 300 BCE ago,that is when Alexander The Great,who conquered territory from Greece to India, penetrating 14,000 miles to the east of Greece, and since then it would be centuries before anyone could begin to match his stature. Half god or not, Alexander's heroism, on one level or another, can never be disputed.That was back then,how bout now,do we still need that kind of hero?
To me i think we still need that kind of hero,but somehow we need to add more such as the mind of the intellect, the attire of a gentleman, the talk of a diplomat and the behaviour and movement of an ambassador can clear the confusion of the present day. =)


As Veera mentioned, a hero,doesn't mean it has to be cartoon heroes,such as spiderman or all those comic characters. Yeah, i totally agree with you Veera. Sometimes my friend can be a hero to me too.As example, my course mates, David, Willie, Veera, Ziyin and Farouq, without them, i think i still have to retake my Media Appreciation. Without them, I need to spend another semester on MA....
So, can a friend of you be your hero?....For me, YES.....


From this article says that all of us are heroes ourselves. To be a hero, it is not an overnight procedure, we should learn to accept and willing to experience the fact. All of us are actors in this world, we try to look down upon ourselves as being deceived, not up to par, and not being the center of stage. That makes us look upon someone mightier, someone more powerful and inspirational, because most of us couldnt accept the fact that we too can be heroes and being looked upon. This is where hero-worshiping came in.

Our Hero.

Mom and Dad, my hero, they taught me how to talk, walk, eat, drink, EVERYTHING! Most important, they motivate me a lot.

My mom, she's the best ever. She Show Love, Cares, inspiration, Motivation and so much more which i can feel deeply in my heart. She works hard for us, to earn our living together with my dad. Teaches me how to be a better man(DO I LOOKS LIKE A BETTER MAN NOW?).
(p/s. tak macam budak tu, talk bad bout others family, tulah kurang ajar.)
Dun talk bad bout others pls.

When comes to experiences, MY DAD. He taught me alots of things. He's a calm, slow and steady type of man. But i learned a lot from him!


Hero Worship(information onlion)

i find some information of Hero-worship by a famous writer:Marie T. Russell.
hope that can help you learn and know more about this.

Hero worship has existed "forever"... it seems that humans have a need to worship someone or something "greater than" themselves. Whether we choose to worship an external God figure (like a saint), or a hero figure from a comic strip or movie, or the movie stars themselves, the concept is the same. We look up to someone else, someone other than ourselves, as "better than us" or "higher" than we are in our esteem and opinion.
Webster's has two definitions for hero. One which is similar to the concept mentioned above, and that is: a man of great courage, nobility, etc., or one admired for his exploits.
However, Webster's has a second definition for hero, and this is the one I'd like us to consider: the central male character in a novel, play, etc. (heroine is defined as a girl or woman hero in life or literature). For the sake of our discussion, let's consider the word hero as applying to both males and females.
So a hero is the central figure in a play... Being that, as Shakespeare so well put it in "As You Like It"...........(

Hero, we need, but not Super Hero!

Defining Hero : A person with profound personality, strong and noble spirit, conspicious courage, chivalrous and selfless blah blah blah is the hero... in movie, comic and they are only the hero for kids, the virtual hero. I still watch Spider Man, Bat Man, Cat Woman, Hellboy... and those are truly for entertaiment. I don't believe in kinds of persons like this. They are got special something (like defining up there), they against the bad people or a very big organization (maybe through universe), and at another side, the "bad people" also have "a very bad person" also got that abilities and they find. at the end, ofcouse the good people win

In movie there are also a lot, we can see it in the action movies. I just wondered few months ago when I finished watching Rush Hour 3, when Hollywood stop doing some kind of that boring movie (I'd said that when I watched Die Hard 4, too). Almost in the movie is about "our hero", they don't have strong abilities like in animation, but they also tallent at fighting or something else. And the end of movie also like Spider Man or Bat Man up there.

I think the director of Superhero movie thought and made that comedy movie

In my own words, I can define Hero:
Hero is the person who is against the bad thing, simply that person do the right thing, perfect work or he is the person you are trying to be success like.
In this words, I must say my father is my hero in life, Che Guevara is my hero.

We need the hero, for us to live, to compare and to strive for mastery!

my heroes

During the course of my existence, iv had several heroes.
At childhood:
my mother was my idol, because she was the one who protected me.she was my only source of warmth, food,comfort,love and moreover she taught me how to talk,and so many other things that were very vital in my healthy upbringing. Thus i worshiped her with every strand of my soul.
At teenage:
since i was a literature student, i became drawn to African writers more. Thus leading to my hero~worship for Chinua Achebe, a Nigerian writer. His books influenced my life in a positive way. And taught me that it doesn't matter whether I'm from a poor family, but i still have to work hard,in order to take my family from rags to riches.
at this point in time, i believe i have learnt enough from everyone i have looked up to when i was growing up.So my aim,is to become someone's Heroine.

Mogolo Kefalotse Ramalebang

what is a hero

according to Oxford Advanced learners dictionary, a hero is a person who is admired by many for her or his noble qualities or courage. or in some cases a hero can be the chief male character in a story, poem or a play.

It should be noted though, that a female can be a hero too, but is rather referred to as a heroine.
The act of excessively admiring someone is termed hero worship. In life there are all types of heroes, there are personal heroes, religious heroes, social heroes, childhood heroes...just to name a few.

All heroes are important in people's life, they help people to mould their behavior. Heroes set a standard of morality in people's lives, they motivate us and give us courage to keep on going stronger, despite the horrible short comings that life brings forth.

It should be noted that sometimes heroes disillusion the society in ways that are just unforgivable, thus this person loses all qualities of a hero and becomes a villain.

reference:(Oxford Advanced learners dictionary)

Mogolo Kefalotse Ramalebang

Hero Hero Hero..

When comes to HERO, I'm sure the first thing come to our mind, spiderman batman and a lot more.

Do we really need a hero? Wat can a hero give us? In my opinion, Heroes really give us inspiration, motivation and more.I definately agree with farouq, How are people gonna be motivated to improve themselves without a hero?

So, Hero-worship is important for our living.

Reason:A standard

Like I said before,hero have a positive influence for our spirit,so we really need a Hero-worship.The Hero-worship is for our spirit only.whatever in this word hero is true or not ,I believe every one can be a hero,and sometimes the hero is themselves,we need the spirit to be a motivation for our life,it can give us power and hope.It’s no need the hero power must special you can see some fire fighter,lifequard and athlete,they really can be a true a hero.why?is just because their spirit,their lofiness and rightness spirit.Both the fantastic hero and simple hero they give people a correct lead or they have done some thing great and exceed simple people.(almost that things are good.)you can see things like this not only the children but also the adult people will have a good teaching from Hero-worship.

Reason:A dream.

Every simple person need a dream or a objective for life.ok you know,may be just a few peoples like this,they need a hero and sometimes they wanna be a hero,like god he always can give his embracers console and bailment,somewhere hero have same function of god for some people.when the being a trouble,accident or despair,they will think about where’s my hero and want he come to help him.
For children, they like or I can say the love hero,may be they don't how imporent a god for a adult people but they know how importent a cartoon hero for him,because they say the hero from TV everyday and they believe them is true.children like hero because the hero always a good person and hero always defeat the bad one.Chindren like perfect ending and they like the special power,that was a funny for them.
So people need a hero.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

do we need hero?

Do we need a hero in our life,for me i said yes.In everyone heart,there should be at least one hero.i'm saying this because,with a hero,one can be motivated,and have guts to do something,which indirectly can make people keep on surviving.A hero,doesn't mean it has to be cartoon heroes,such as spiderman or all those comic characters,hero can be among us,to me my mother is my hero.
When you said hero,that means someone that going to save you,or protecting you,sacrificing him/herself to do that,well all those thing were already done by my mom to me and my family.So just like Farouq said,when the word hero appear in the mind,the first i would see is my mother =)


Yup , i have the same hero as Farouq , Sim and David . The hero that i worship for so long is my Dad and mom . Every word they said brings a lot of meaning and it really gave an impact to me . Well although sometimes i find it really annoying about what they say but in the end i do take their words and try my very best to do it . I found out that the more annoying they are the more i need to listen and respect . My dad has and awesome attitude which is his Determination and patient . He is indeed a very patient person , even i have done something wrong he will just calm down and talk to me in a calm way he never raise his voice to me not even to his workers . My mom well she is a good decision maker . Whatever decision she made she will stay with it . She taught me how turn negative into positive . She also taught me how to solve problems in any situation .


Why Do we need hero ?

Good question . Why do we need a hero in our life ? without heroes , like what farouq said what would we watch ? and without heroes who will we look up to and get inspired . Farouq did mention heroes are the one who help us to set our goal in order word they motivate us to achieve our goals

Sometimes inspiration does not only come from our daily experience , but also from our heroes . With them we can get lots more experience and inspiration . They are also the one that can motivate us without any doubtful feelings .

I totally agree with what david said , without heroes the world will be a selfish , arrogant , and ignorant peoples

I half agree with David and Sim

So far, the heroes that have been mentioned are David's and Sim's Dad.My hero is not only my dad but my mum too. eheheh(dasar anak mak dan bapak).

My mum is truly the angel of my heart. Despite the space in my heart I have for Niigaki Risa, Kate Bosworth and Melissa Campbell, mum is the one that holds my heart up. She is the one that taught me how to love, give love and make love(thought that sounds bloody wrong right now). She also accidently taught me how to be witty and quite snappy with my comments.

My dad to me is really cool. He is really hardworking when he does his job and would even work late just to make sure the job gets done right. When he is at home, he also works hard to be a dad and the man of the family. I have really grown from watching how my dad lives his life and does his thing. When I look up the word dad, hardworking and strong, I can imagine his picture next to it.

My life is guided by both of my heroes and I must say I couldn't ask for any better heroes in my life.

(Music Note)I NEED A HERO(Music Note)

Heroes are definitely needed. If they weren't, what would we watch instead?

On a serious note, heroes are what shape us in the future whether we realize it or not in the first place. Heroes are people who can inspire other people to be better and stand up for what they believe in. How are people gonna be motivated to improve themselves if not through a hero?

Having a hero is also having a goal. So hero worship is an important aspect in our lives.

This was brought to you by the great and sexy hero,
Farouq....Auwwww <(*-*)>

PS.....Yay i get full marks(even if it is a joke....eheh)


Well David, i fully agreed with you that we desperately needed a hero.
Hero leads us to a better life, inspires us to do better, and motivates us.
Without a hero, the world will full of selfish and arrogant people as David mentioned.
So, do you need a HERO?...

Hey friends, let post to discuss this title together...
Deadline soon, be fast....
Who post 1st Who get full mark...
that a joke..


Well, everyone for sure has a hero in heart, it's depend on individual.
My hero, my DAD...
I can tell u honestly, without him, i won't be posting for this discussion.
He do inspired my life, he taught me to be a "MAN"...=)
No matter how sad he was, he won't show or tell me his feeling, the only expression he show to me is "HAPPY"...
Sometimes he work and work and work, when return to home, he turn into a warm and caring dad...
DAD!!!!'re the MAN!!!!!!


What is hero?as i found in dictionary, hero is a man of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities. It's true that a hero is better than others. Hero always inspires others to do better. There are many Heros in our world. I can't imagine the world without heros.
For me, I agree that we need a hero to lead us to a better life.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Why do we need hero-worshipping ?

Well, it's simple. We tend to worship someone or something that is better than us, more powerful and influential than ourselves. We feel much safer and comfortable having a person we think could change our life, treating them as heroes. there are always someone who are better than us and we tend to look at them as an example or motivation. without heroes, someone will eventually be snobbish, selfish and arrogant. that's what i think..

Hero-worship ?

We all have our heroes we look up to in our heart. Some may have one and some may have alot. People from all races and ages have heroes they worship or rather admire. I think all of us needs a hero as an inspiration to us ranging from comic superheroes to real life heroes. We somehow look up to someone or somebody to lead our lives and motivation. We see successful people strive in fame and knowledge, makes us want to be part of the road they took. Personally, I choose my dad as a hero in my life. I want to be like him, succesful and a happy family. Not to say worship him, but look up to him. He is a very succesful businessman who dares to risk and make smart choices. Care for the family. He is a very determine and persistent person from i i see all these years. He is like a friend and mentor as well as my father, this is what i'm proud of. :)

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Topic Discussion 2

Hero-worshipWhat is a Hero? A person with profound personality, strong and noble spirit, conspicious courage, chivalrous and selfless. Who are our Heroes? Examples: Hercules or Mulan (Lengendary or Folk Heroes), Florence Nightingale or Louis Pasteur (Heroes who have served in their field of specialities), Gandhi, Mother Theresa or Mandela (World Heroes), Superman or Rambo (Movie Heroes) etc. Do we need a hero? Why do we need to Hero-worship?

DEADLINE: 17th AUGUST 2008, 12 midnight.
Each student must post at least 2 informal responses (2%), 2 reflective responses (2%), cite one reference (no wikipedia!, please) (1%) that deepens understanding of the topic discussion over a period of 5 days to 7 days. Please refer to Assignment brief slides under "Assignments" for more detail information.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Looks like SMS while steering is more dangerous.. why the law hadn't realized it?

Monday, August 4, 2008

End of Topic 1

End of Topic 1

hahahaha !

This is something i found on the net . Something about Museums and Galleries check it out .

i agree with farouq , they should update all the artwork every 6 months or so , not only a few pieces . With those changes it will attract more students to go to the museums or art galleries . We FCM students like new things , we prefer to explore on something new and different not the same old drawing or sculpture . I find it ridiculous if they change 1-5 artwork every 2-3 months .

Damn i agree with farouq , willie and sim gosh , who the hack voted david handsome ? i strongly advice you for a full medical check up ASAP . Crapssss - david , think of it , yup its true . Willie for this i can say ' grape is not sour ' hahaha because everyone agree with it

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Farouq...i AGREE!!!

The arts in the museum or art galleries usually the same all the times,
They seldom update as just 1-5 arts a month, so do they aspect us to just go there go see the new arts everymonth?....
This is just my opinion. correct me if i'm wrong.


I have read on a website.....
hopes u will enjoy inside and give some opinions and comments.....=)

Reason Reason

as we are fcm students, we always draw, design, think and create something through pc and painting, i don't think we will go to museum and art galleries to see those painting, drawing or pictures. This because we already do it in our assignment, and we will felt stressful and frustrated to see it in that places. That thinking is for me while i don't know others.

David handsome?....OMG!!!....Well, let see, he's owesome in some place but not handsome...
Want to know?...... "Super Duper Tuper--CRAPPER" why don't post "is david a crapper?" for us to vote?...hahas... i think the majority will agree that The Super Crapper - David.......


As ziyin said, activities in the museums or art gallaries really help a lot. Example like, demonstrating the skills and more. It can be interesting which teenagers or student won't feel bored.

Farouq, i agree with you. If David is handsome, the sky will fall down. That vote, what do u think? He vote for himself for sure. Cause no one think he's handsome at all. hahaha.

Reason for not visiting these places

Would you really spend your hard earned free time after doing so much assignment and hard work just to go to a museum? I for one wouldn't. Despite the fact that students may have time once in a while, a visit to the museum or gallery isn't exactly at the top of our list.

We rather choose to have fun like going to the amusement park, or even the nearby mall. A quiet place like a museum wouldn't exactly help us release our stress. I find that it might actually makes us more stressed and heck, even getting more insane due to the boredom.

On a side note, who the hell voted david handsome? It better have been him and no else. If it was really someone else, please for the love of god check your eyes.

Enjoy another one of my delicious post.

An interesting note

I found something that seem to only strengthen why FCM students don't go to the museum and art gallery. Go figure.

Enjoy it I guess.

My view.

I find this issue funny because not only FCM students aren't visiting these places but I also rarely hear any other people do go there any way. Truth be told, if we didn't go for that trip last sem, I wouldn't have even knew we had our art gallery..........eheh.

I agree with what everyone said so far especially Lam because it's true that they still present artwork that are from older artists and not any new hot stuff. So it doesn't at least give any bloody reason for anybody to go see these places. If someone came up to me and told me there is a famous exhibit right now over there, the most you would get from me is a "so" because I would think that the same artwork is still over there. That may not sound nice but thats the truth of it.

So lets continue our discussion for info sake and our marks sake :P. \/(^-^)

Ways ! ! ! ! !

well well well , i can see that most of the people doesnt like to visit the museum and the art galleries , i know how you guys feel about going museums and art galleries , to make students like museums and art galleries and especially FCM students . First of all lecturers have to give us less assignments like whatt Sim "sia beh " said and make more trips . Students like class trips , students wouldnt mind waking up early just for the class trips . Last but not least make it a fun thing to do , if students find the museum or art galleries fun we wouldnt mind going there , activities in the museums or art gallery is a must

My views

Sometimes, to me the museums and art galleries in Malaysia are not attractive enough. What i think is the galleries should portray more interesting and weird arts that can trigger us to look twice or thrice. Galleries now in Malaysia are so normal and doesnt create impact. It is too common. we need something that can entice our interest.

something I found interesting

art museums or art galleries are not attract FCM students

Why do FCM students don't go to art museums or art galleries ?
First we should know what are there in art museums or galleries? and second we should know who FCM students are and what are they expect?

In general we could say almost museums or art galleries are for works has done very long time ago, it's rarely new works from young artists. And there are not much works and "up to date" is very very rarely.
FCM students are students of Information Society, we do love art but not really into art as the artists from museums or art galleries (eg: films, illustration design...).
FCM students find information from Internet (it's very old reasons but it's the most important). All works in gallery can be found in google easily (cause of more famous more easy searching).
Up to date, find things more relax and we're busy (cause of Galleries is far from Cyberjaya, hehe). As the habit of reading, now, FCM students also don't read much books as the seniors before used to do (I think they keep reading because from young, they don't have internet).
The last is I think FCM students stil go there but not much time, once or twice time in 1 place cause of not attranting FCM students.

Some informantion online

New House, Available for Delivery, Convenient to Museum
(Introduce to a new way to make the museum more convenience,must promble of we don't want to go out to see the museum is its not convenience ,I think use the way that the wet inttoduced that, we will be more actived to see.)
In June 2007, the New York architects Jeremy Edmiston and Douglas Gauthier were invited to build a full-scale house they had designed on a parking lot adjacent to the Museum of Modern Art for “Home Delivery: Fabricating the Modern Dwelling,” an exhibition about prefabricated housing……
(New House, Available for Delivery, Convenient to Museum

the reason2

Another reason is that convenience or not.If you just stay at home open your computer ,maybe now drinking a ice coke you can see the all world art pictures, moves and artist’s work and all this are free,than you will go out or not.
Someone will say that the art for nowadays and which around and near you is importent for your life and study, but just when to go to museums and art galleries is convenience than I can agree them.its ture we will lose some chance to study and fell the art near us,but we can accuess to see the best art work online to compensate for that. I think that's not bad.
That’s all thank you,comment by wang zi 1071112013.

the reason

In my mind there are two reasons for why fcm student didn’t go to museums and art galleries.
First one,if you should use half hour to wait a bus than use another 2 hours to go to KL and use one hour to eat and find the place where is museums,ok just now we don't talk about we should use how many time to watch the show, we talk about after that we should use 3 hours to go back to home,you see if we just see the show for two hours but we must paied 7 hours to do other things(maybe much more 7 hours),now you want to go there or not?!This is very truly in malaysia in MMU for students.And you should know if a FCM student want to study hard that he will don't have any time to go out.

Saturday, August 2, 2008


Well Veera*Silamandun*...
Do you mean the financial problem will cause the fcm students unable to go to art galleries and museum?...
I don't think it a reason that causes me not going to there.
As nowadays the bus ticket is not more than RM20, The ticket for the places won't cause more than Rm 50, included the meal, i don't think you will eat more as the size of your body. So the average total around Rm40-50. So i don't think that you cant afford that.
Well, this is just my comments, so if I'm wrong, please correct me....

Museums and art galleries ?

Why do FCM students don't go to museums and art galleries? This is a very good question . There are a few reasons why student dont go to the museums and art gallery , most importantly the FCM students . Well not all the FCM students but some . The few reasons are like what willie said transport , and veera said boring . I totally agree with both of them . In my opinion museums and art gallery are boring places and with assignments flowing in like water we wouldnt have the time to go . For me i do like to go to the art gallery or museum IF and only if there are people willing to go with me , because i find it really boring if we go to those places alone . So i think students don't go to museums or art galleries because they don't want to go alone .


why are student don't go to art gallery or museum?well first of all,those places is somehow boring,although its help to improves the student's artwork,.Besides,since most of the student can find or get ideas from the help in the web page which is easier,it will make them feel that its such wasting of time to visit all those places.As a student also,a lot of thing have to consider,one of it is the financial,you see,if a student wanted to go to the museum or art gallery,they have to spend extra on transportation and food,which will lead them to financial problems.These is some of the reasons that i can see so far.

Well Well Well...

Why Student seldom visit art museums or gallaries? As they say, assignments, internet and more. In my opinion, i also think that transports causes this problem too. Nowadays, students are away from their SWEET HOME which means that they can hardly travel around without a personal transport.

David Phoon Phoon, Do you means that we dont go to meseums or galleries and you are the only one who's going??????????????


in my opinion the university can inform the students about the new exhibitions in malaysia or all around the world and organize some trips to those places because internet makes the students lazy to go to museum and galleries.

Pay attention to the comments of each post.

Pay attention to the comments of each post. If you wanna comment on your friend's post, write it in comments. Post new discussion at New post. Well organized. Thank you


Well, there are a few ways to solve the problem.
1st, the lecturer should give the students less assignments, so they could have time to visit the museums and the art galleries.
2nd, the lecturer should organize some trip to museum and make it compulsory to participate.
So the students will join and visit there.

Those are my opinion, i don't know whether my opinions are right or wrong, so please give some comments.
Thanks =)


David Phoon Phoon, i agreed with u. Even me will go visit the museum or art gallery sometimes...As we know, we must explore to get idea on our works, assignments and projects.
Well, let talk about the topic, Why do FCM students don't go to museums and art galleries? According to Phoon Phoon, we are so overwhelmed with digital technologies such as those Internets, computers and televisions.This is one of the reason. In other hand, time also can cause fcm students unable to visit museums and art galleries. Assignments , assignments and assignments!!!! So do u think we still have time to visit?.... As for myself, i always busy with FCM assignments. Totaly no time to do other things. Even taking breakfast, lunch and dinner also a problem to me...XD....

Hey buddys, Let post something here so we can discuss together....SHARE US YOUR KNOWLEDGES....." JANGAN SIAPP"...

Friday, August 1, 2008

Everyone.. Lets discuss bout the topic

Why do FCM students don't go to art museums or art galleries ? In my opinion, if you are not talking on the general side, not all FCM students don't go to museums or art galleries. Me in particular will always visit the museums of different states where i visited to explore the hisotry and culture of that certain states or country. I love history and getting to know the past could be an interesting experience to have.

Not to say i don't favor the art galleries , but some museums would have an exhibition on arts sometime. When i was in Kuching a few months ago, i visited the Chinese ink calligraphy and art exhibition and i see wonders they can do with just a brush and a black ink.

From my i can understand from the question , why FCM students don't go to those places is because we are so overwhelmed with digital technologies such as those Internets, computers and televisions. We see no point of visiting those places where we can surf arts and galleries a click away from our PC. FCM students in particular likes to have fun where i see visiting the museums are unlikely to happen too often.

Any opinions on my thoughts my fellow authorssssss ????