Sunday, August 17, 2008


As Veera mentioned, a hero,doesn't mean it has to be cartoon heroes,such as spiderman or all those comic characters. Yeah, i totally agree with you Veera. Sometimes my friend can be a hero to me too.As example, my course mates, David, Willie, Veera, Ziyin and Farouq, without them, i think i still have to retake my Media Appreciation. Without them, I need to spend another semester on MA....
So, can a friend of you be your hero?....For me, YES.....


David David David said...

yeah, it's true. Friends too can be our heroes, each of them helps out one another. My coloring got better, social got better and appetite got better because of them XD.

Anybody can be a hero to us despite their age, sex or race.

Ziyin said...

Omg , its true really true , friend can be our hero , without them we might not be able to accomplish something . What you said is true david with friends around even your appetite will be better .