Saturday, August 2, 2008


Well, there are a few ways to solve the problem.
1st, the lecturer should give the students less assignments, so they could have time to visit the museums and the art galleries.
2nd, the lecturer should organize some trip to museum and make it compulsory to participate.
So the students will join and visit there.

Those are my opinion, i don't know whether my opinions are right or wrong, so please give some comments.
Thanks =)


David David David said...

Well.. i think we've got very much less assignments already compared to the 1st year and higher level.. we were given ample time to do our assignments... What i think should be the solution is the unity of our course mates. Already 8 months in the tri-sem, some of us are still strangers to one another. Organize a field trip, not only by lecturers, by us ourselves, among our friends and course mates. There are alot more solutions in this, come on people. voice out

v said...

somehow i agree with you sim,less assignment,so that we can go museum and art gallery.

wangzi's blog for cg1 said...

Comment for how to slove this problem.
Yes theres have ome way to slove this problem and sim said are useful
If teacher should organize some trip to museum maybe used our class time,that not only can make stuend’s drang less but also can make the teaching more interesting.
Things llike that we can go to there togeter and don't be worried how to save maney to go there.