Sunday, September 7, 2008

The question

Yeah of course we get our source of information from the media such as the newspapers and broadcasting news. To much of our knowledge, not ALL of the stories written are true. Stories can be written by anybody and anyone to believe it. Is it reliable or not the question is, well, i do agree its an important and reliable source of information. Where else can we get those information if it's not to be from the papers or medias ? Other than that, we must be there and then at the situation to get to know about the real situation. There is where reporters come in to do the job for us, how it will be sensationalize, manipulated or mislead is up to the people who have the power to report it.

It is up to us to believe what's real and what's been much exaggerated. We read only what excites us, what we're interested in. We tend to believe everything that is printed on the "newspaper". That is how the papers can gain such popularity along the centuries without fail.

1 comment:

mogolo said...

you are right David, people only read things that excites them...thus they believe what they want to believe, and unfortunately for us(human beings),we always believe the worst in people,we love scandals.and the media has realized this weakness in us,thats why they publish all these scandals and untrue stories in order to feed our ever growing APPETITE AND ADDICTION for GOSSIP.thus more and more millions of dollars in PROFITS for them!!!