Sunday, September 21, 2008

Very Big Effect

Before the petrol price increased, i would travel anywhere and anytime. Once the petrol price increased, everything changed!
I was advised by my parents that not to drive if there is no emergency or need. Last time, I used to have a drink with a group of my friends in some restaurants.But now, "NO WAY"
My mom told me, " If you really want to drive, PAY FOR THE PETROL YOURSELF".
Before the petrol price increased, the taxi price from Cyberia to Putrajaya Sentral was just RM9,
but now, the price increased to RM11. Although just increased Rm2, but that is still money for me.
Please don't tell me that " WHAT IS MONEY" or "MONEY IS NOTHING"
Why the petrol price increased? Why, Why and Why...
We disliked and hate it!

1 comment:

mogolo said...

hi,i agree with what you are saying. But i also feel that Taxi people are also too greedy.because almost all of them(IF NOT ALL) use gas and not petrol,AND AS I RECAL,IT WAS ONLY THE PRICE FOR PETROL AND NOT GAS THAT WAS INCREASED!so i wonder why they also cry foul that they are being affected.*I STAND TO BE CORRECTED*