Monday, September 29, 2008


Well, as we know, today, many people do love to create a personal blog for themselves.
As i know, majority of my friends used to have own blog. In that blog, they post everything they want there.In my country, there are several famous blogs along Malaysia. I had forget some of the link.

Blog provide news to me?
I think i agreed with that statement.For example, when i doing my english assignment this trimester, i surf and researched on some blog for my topic " Coffee good for health"
In some blog, they really do give me the information i needed. Furthermore, they also give me some alternative information to me.

Therefore, if you ask me about blog, i fully support that blogs do give us information

Sunday, September 28, 2008


"The Emerging Power of Blogs and blogging in alternative news". What is your opinion on this? Share some of your favourite blogs that provides alternative news about your country.

I totally agree with what Lam said , before blog was created the 'in' thing is forum everyone use forum to communicate , gain information and also ask questions . After blog is created like what David said they used it as an online dairy , writing their daily stuff like what they did and what is happening , after awhile bloggers starts to write stuff like food blogging , fashion , politics and etc .

Well there are a few bloggers that i like to read for example , kennysia , xiaxue , dawnyang , kidchan and many more .This bloggers are really well known throughout asia , for example kidchan he is one of the well known wedding photographer in malaysia . While kennysia is one of the most famous blogger he is listed as one of the most influencial blogger in asia .

Famous blogs

I'm sure everybody has heard of Kenny Sia ?

A blogger that blogs everything from day to day life, politics, jokes, products as well as traveling.

He received numerous awards before for his blog such as the " Asian Blog of the Year Award " and are well known not only in Malaysia but at other countries too.

No blogs from my country

Oh its really amazing how time really goes by in a blink of a eye,i cant believe we are already approaching the end of the trimester. Iv learnt a lot of you guys, and i wish to believe that yall have learnt a thing or two from me too. with all that being said, let me proceed to the issue at hand...

Unfortunately, like as Pono has pointed out, the internet in my country(Botswana) is still at its infant stage. Therefore there is no existing blogs hosted by anyone there. This might sound somehow untrue, but it is very true. Today i browsed the net looking for any personal blogs from anyone residing in my country, and all i came up with was just tourism blogs, but nothing personal...And as i looked deeper,there were just a few people who had registered to this blog. which means that, at this moment in time the internet is not a very effective way to media information, because out of a population of 1.8 million its only a few thousands who have the privilege of benefiting from blogs. i feather discovered that a few of these existing blogs,are not followed up on regular basis, therefore many at times the information written will be long overdue...This is very sad for me to be revealing such embarrassing facts about my country.*sniff*sniff*

Mogolo Kefalotse Ramalebang


"The Emerging Power of Blogs and blogging in alternative news". What is your opinion on this? Share some of your favourite blogs that provides alternative news about your country.

I agree with lam, a few year back, blogs were not the "in" thing. People used it as online diaries. But now, the spread of news through this media has became so common people see it as another form of media.

The power of blogging is is another of the oldest communication form like the letter only in a digital way. Now, blogs are not just a personal diaries or letters, blogs are now one of the most used media to communicate, to understand and to spread information. Blogging creates a personality too, from the day we start blogging our first post, people read it and they tend to get the feel of it after reading it a couple more post of the person behind the keyboard. And also, people believe in what they read at first, and the blog is another way to communicate.

the last topic...thanks god

hey was really nice working with you,and believe me i learnt a lot from a lot of of you guys..and hopefully its just the beginning.

back to the topic at hand...well its not really nice nor interesting,because there is no crashing others down which is what i think made it fun..and the first thing i am going to point out is that in my country the internet thing is not common,really a rare thing to blogs,are not common and i think we still going a long way to that unfortunately,there is nothing to share with you guys..

Friday, September 26, 2008

"The Emerging Power of Blogs and blogging in alternative news". What is your opinion on this? Share some of your favourite blogs that provides alternative news about your country.

Actually, Blog is not a "HOT" thing at this time like 1, 2 years ago, as the "Popular media" - Forum, now we are waiting the new one.
7 years ago, people love the forum, we can see many kinds of forum were created with only about 100 members or evens 10 members.
In fact, to creat 1 forum is easy for whom worked with website before, but develope the forum is difficult. Like now, the forum still alive is a biggest forums.
Blog is started about 4 years ago, I can say I was one of the first people used blog in my country, I used yahoo 360, but after 4 years, it's still a BETA version (I recommend people not using Yahoo).
Blog is a new thing at that time, every one can creat his/her own blog easily.
First, people just think it is a diary "online"
Later on, when people start think about many people viewing the entries, the number of comments (by view the Pageviews), they becomes famous.
The topic maybe about sports, music, politics...
And the important, no one knows who is him/her! (if he/she doesn't want to show)
Blog has a perfect things to do as a news page:
We can add video, music, photos. We can creat entries as much as we can, they have tag or search for people want to search an article in blog.
And it can be blogged anywhere, anytime with the computer and internet (faster than newspaper)
RSS - for others people keep updating the blog.
Some famous blog in my country - Vietnam:
Tac Ke Blog - The most famous blog in 360 Yahoo blog, he (she) keep updating fastest, the scandal about all things or some famous people "can not touch".
Because of too famous (the page views reach till 20.000.000 views/6 months), so it's dead (because many people feeds back not good - automatic yahoo del the blog), now he still keep updating by many blogs).
BLV Anh Ngoc - the blog of the famous commentator about football in Vietnam. He is the best commentator so a lot of people views that blog.
Actually, we have a lot of famous bloggers, but Yahoo deletes allmost (Yahoo works not good also not Fair). Now people get tired about that. The problem is other blogs is not popular in Vietnam.

Topic Discussion 8 - Final One! (Blog Assignment)

Dear friends,

We have finally reach our last topic of discussion. I hope that you had a fruitful time exchanging views and ideas with each other. I hope too you all had fun!! Anyway, here is the last discussion:

  • "The Emerging Power of Blogs and blogging in alternative news". What is your opinion on this? Share some of your favourite blogs that provides alternative news about your country.

REMINDER: DEADLINE - 28 SEPTEMBER, 2008, 12 midnight

EACH student must post at least 2 informal responses (2%), 2 reflective responses (2%), cite one reference (no wikipedia!, please) (1%) that deepens understanding of the topic discussion over a period of 5 days to 7 days. Please refer to Assignment brief slides under "Assignments" for more detail information.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

my opinion again..

this time i am just adding to what my fellow sister just Mogolo said,in my country its hilarious and i never thought of it...may be i am just brain washed by malaysian life...and all in all i think that country like malaysia are just too fortunate...


78 sen increase...hell..!!!!

well honestly i would nt know much since i do not driver...but one thing i know is that in terms of public transport we in for a deeper pockets....speaking in terms of taxis and buses...1 problem:speaking for myself thou,i am a foreigner so with the price increased,its going to be a bonus for most taxi drivers because they tend to be taking advantage of us....which sets the prices high plus increment...its also restricting our movements,since we mostly on tours during the school vacations....

the effects of 78sen increse

Hey guys...when i newly Arrived in Malaysia in June 2007, the first thing that caught my eye was the ridiculously LOW prices of fuel. I couldn't believe that this is anyhow possible in the world!I was shocked because in my country the prises for fuel have hit sky high over the decades!As i wondered why, i got the answer to this question as to why its so cheap;
"Malaysia is a net exporter of oil and so has been gaining from rising fuel prices"

But as time went on, this was changing because "the subsidy on pump prices has still been a big drain on its treasury."

But despite this increase in fuel prises in Malaysia,i still consider Malaysians extremely lucky as compared to other countries in the world,like mine "BOTSWANA".
I took an initiative to search for the fuel prises in my country at the is the shocking truth!!

"Botswana spends P11 billion a month on fuel."


what causes this increase in fuel prises?

This is a very serious matter. First and foremost, The United States of America's relations with the oil producing countries. Every the US creates a conflict with these nations,fuel prices go high.The fluctuating value of the Us Dollar does a lot of harm to this as support my stand I shall refer to:BBC news of,Monday, 23 June 2008 14:19 UK- which reads as thus;

"# Dollar weakness encourages financial investors to look for other more lucrative investment opportunities, with oil top of their list
# As oil is traded in dollars, it also makes it cheaper to buy "

All this war that is happen in the middle east countries and other countries like Russia and the recent scandals in the Nigerian oil plant do a lot of harm to the increase of these prises;

"Tensions over Iran's nuclear programme. There are fears that an Israeli attack on Iran's nuclear installations could trigger a wider conflict and threaten traffic through the strategically vital Strait of Hormuz, used to ship 40% of the world's oil. "



like what David said , his mom only refill his petrol every end of the week , if he finish it before the end of the week , he will need to use his own money to refill . The increase in petrol price causes we student to have lesser pocket money and that leads to student to suffer . Like what Sim said , even he is not a muslim but he fills like one because he does not have enough pocket money to spend on food . Everyday one meal is not a good thing to do .


Hmm.. 78cent. Sound like a small amount. But when the price around us raised, everyone gone crazy. Last time, i spend RM 50 - 80 for my petrol every week, but now i spend over hundred because of the 78CENTS.

"Hurry up!!!! Fill up your car fuel before midnight,price of petrol goes up about 40% ." When i recieve this sms that time. i was shocked. It increased about 40%, which is a big amount. i lined up in the petrol station for more than 1 hour just to pump my petrol before the price increase.

I get my information from:

78 cent

The increase of 78cents in petrol do affect us student , especially me ! i drive to and fro from subang to cyber every single day for the past 9 months . Before the price of petrol increases i dont even care about it . After increase 78 cent in petrol , wow i can feel that it is very very expenisve . I pump my petrol every 4 days everytime arpund RM 90 . After the price increases everything increases , from food to transport to everything , nothing is cheap now . The effect of this causes inflation . Sometimes when i want to go out with my friend we need to think of who going to drive . It is very troublesome . Furthermore we student of FCM need to buy material from outside and the distance is not walking distance . Sometimes when the material we need are not available here we need to drive all the way down to kl just for that particular material . Therefore 78 cent increase in petrol does affect university student in malaysia

the 78 cent effect

most of our daily needs price has also rise up as the cause of this 78 cent.Last time when i was at home,i can drive freely,without thinking of the petrol,but now,whenever i go,i need to think about the petrol before i can go enjoy,and that like no more fun.As the price of fuel rise up, the:
"Rising oil prices have added to the problems facing the government. Second Finance Minister Tan Sri Mohamed Yakcop warned that the cost of oil subsidies would amount to Ringgit Malaysia (RM) 18 billion to RM 19 billion this year—a huge increase of RM 7 billion to RM 8 billion over last year ($US1=RM3.2). Overall, government fuel subsidies are predicted to cost more than RM 56 billion this year—up from an earlier prediction of RM 35 billion."
this information were taken from

78cent do change

Of course it change a lot,like Sim had said,we have to think a lot before buying anything or spend on anything,although i don't have car here(campus) to use,but my friends does,and its kind of hard for them to go out anymore as the fuel price getting high.As a student like what have been said by Wang Zi,even the taxi price is high nowadays,and as a student we cant really afford it as taxi is one of the fastest transport.

this is the blog i used as my references.
There mentioned that  the effect of our life is petrol price increased.

I agreed with wang zi

"The world will run out of oil around 2050 the closer we get to this day without another alternative energy source the more the price will go up." quote from wang zi.
I agree that sentense.It's true. The petrol is going to run out soon as the people using petrol increase and increase day by day. That why nowadays the sciences keep on search and experiment for the alternative energy. We really need another energy source if the petrol is really completely used.If not, we'll go back to the past again.

I agree with David

David mentioned in his post that his mother just refill the petrol for him everyweek.
But if he used more than that, he need to refill by himself. 
This is happening to me too.
If i over used the petrol, i had to dig my money from my wallet to refill.....
This can caused BROKE!
In conclusion, i can say that "drive less, walk more"!


78 sen increase in petrol price really changed my life.
In 1st semester in MMU, every month my parents used to bank-in RM 1xxx.00 into my bank.
That time i can tell you that i can buy anything i want.
But now, Because of the 78sen increase in petrol price, My pocket money had become less and less.
This is really suffer for a students staying far from family and independent!
I can't buy the thing i want anymore, before buy, i need to think and think and think wisely.
Although i'm not muslim, but i almost can become a muslim as i almost "puasa" everyday.
This is because no money to take breakfast and lunch. Sometimes i'll not eat for the whole day.
So if you ask "What 78 sen increase in petrol price means to us students of universities in Malaysia ?"
I'll answer that it totally make almost all the students suffer and broke!

Very Big Effect

Before the petrol price increased, i would travel anywhere and anytime. Once the petrol price increased, everything changed!
I was advised by my parents that not to drive if there is no emergency or need. Last time, I used to have a drink with a group of my friends in some restaurants.But now, "NO WAY"
My mom told me, " If you really want to drive, PAY FOR THE PETROL YOURSELF".
Before the petrol price increased, the taxi price from Cyberia to Putrajaya Sentral was just RM9,
but now, the price increased to RM11. Although just increased Rm2, but that is still money for me.
Please don't tell me that " WHAT IS MONEY" or "MONEY IS NOTHING"
Why the petrol price increased? Why, Why and Why...
We disliked and hate it!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

the strongest single influence on the price of gasoline

have a discussion here_____ )

it is 90% supply and demand. The only reason speculators are buying is because they can plainly see that:

We are not going to make more oil out of thin air.

The world population continues to grow in number and prosperity.

There is no viable alternative in the foreseen future.

The world will run out of oil around 2050 the closer we get to this day without another alternative energy source the more the price will go up.

What influences the price of oil

Oil is a "commodity" that is readily supplied by many countries, and commodities tend to either be in over supply or short supply.

When there is a short supply, prices bid up to the highest that the market sustains. When supply is ample, prices sink to the lowest that producers will accept. There is no happy middle ground.

That is why commodity prices (not only oil, but cocoa, metals, etc.) are "volatile" and why it is so easy to lose your shirt in commodities trading.

So along with traditional supply and demand economic issues, there is also an incredible incentive to manipulate the market for a commodity.

For example, everytime Mahmoud Ahmadinejad shoots off his mouth and talks extinction of Israel, oil prices go up. Iran pursues an atomic bomb and openly announces every milestone in their program, oil prices go up.

Don't like that very much...

It have a big different than before.

You should know everything in this word have contacts ‘The Butterfly Effect’ , so the 78 sen increase in petrol price means is not only the petrol price go up ,it have a big influence for our life in Malaysia.

I think every student in MMU can feel that ,it have one day before,whan we go out by taxi to Alamanda the taxi driver told us it’s RM18 now…we asked the reason ,they told me the petrol price is go up…OK,RM18 is ok ,we go to alamanda than go to the supermarket we found the price of meats was go up,the price of eggs was go up,the price of rice was go up,the price of oil ,fruit,milk…the price of everything was going up.

But one thing don't change,that is our alimony,you can see this is not only a burden for our parents but also a burden for the students lile us .

When we go out we will spend much more money.we don't like suffer from that… it will make us thinked were we can spend our extra curricular time.

Stay at home, study in school that cant have a good influence for the university students.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Big difference

its a rather big difference compared to before the increase in petrol prices. Last time, i used to travel to kuala lumpur from cyberjaya 3 or 4 times a week, before the increase, i could fill Rm10 for me to go to kl and back to cyberjaya if my petrol ran out. But now? I hardly would want to travel anywhere if there is no emergency, although my parents cover my petrol charges every week, sometimes ill have to refill it myself, a full tank cost me at least RM100, whereas before was RM 60 plus, i big difference for students like us who needs money for daily usage such as food, and assignments. One thing is without the car, we would waste alot of time taking public transport, to and fro. The car could saves up alot of our precious time. So its kind of an opportunity cost for us now.

Topic Discussion 7 (Blog Assignment)

Dear Friends,

This week's topic is lighter but nevertheless an important issue to be pondered.

  • What 78 sen increase in petrol price means to us students of universities in Malaysia?

REMINDER: DEADLINE - 21 SEPTEMBER, 2008, 12 midnight

EACH student must post at least 2 informal responses (2%), 2 reflective responses (2%), cite one reference (no wikipedia!, please) (1%) that deepens understanding of the topic discussion over a period of 5 days to 7 days. Please refer to Assignment brief slides under "Assignments" for more detail information.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I don’t know, apparently the era of these songs is going to end soon but on the contrary side, we can see borders and limitations in countries. We still have patriots who are ready to give their lives for their country, religion, family or friends. We still have wars that are acting as vibrant transistors for the people encountering them. For example in my country the culture of people (especially old and middle aged people). What matters the most is that as far as it concerns the borders and wars and defying ourselves against something bad, we stay patriot and faithful to our culture and traditional songs can be very useful in this case.

Monday, September 15, 2008

my top 10 favourite music

this should not come to ya'll as a surprise, but most of my favorite songs are love songs!i cant help it,i just dig it *grin*.im just going to discuss them as a whole and not individually because it will be an unbelievably long discussion:

1,No one like you (by: p squared)

2,Weakness in me (Keisha White)

3,The rose (westlife)

4,You're the First, the Last, My Everything (Barry White)

5,I will always love you (Whitney Houston/Dolly Parton)

6,All i want is you (U2)

7,Something (Beatles)

8,Endless Love (Lionel Richie & Diana Ross )

9,My Heart Will Go On (Celine Dion)

10,You Are The Sunshine Of My Life ( Stevie Wonder)



Mogolo Kefalotse Ramalebang

top ten

eish,i am not a love song type guy,hip hop does it for me,but i will just try

1.michael learns to rock-breaking my heart
2.i got you babe-ub40...classic
3.abba abba-chiquitita
4.bed of roses-bon jovi...its just so nice...and soo romantic and the guitars kills me to bits....
5.amagedon-dont wanna close my eyes...reminds me of back in the days when my uncle was living to the states..was very sad..
6.cherry ohh babe-eric the reggae tunes..takes me home.. boo-usher will be in my heart-Usher
9.michael learns to rock-paint my love...soothing
11.shania twain-you are still the one...this one reminds me of the past,when stones were still soft took me days to actually come up with this list,because i hardly listen to the songs.....and most of them are classics as i was in a recalling status...just felt like going back a few steps

Sunday, September 14, 2008

love song

adding to what i songs are like medicine to our souls,it heals,uphold...

• Why everybody ‘digs’ love songs?

I feel that everyone either digs love songs because they believe in love. Or they are in love at the moment, or they have never really been loved, nor being showed love, therefore are trying to feel or hear how it feels like from other people. Love songs are all about fantasies, about endless unselfish love. Love makes people go crazy, and everyone enjoys the feeling of being in love, no matter how foolish most of them act when they suppose they have found it.
I dig love songs because they are pleasant, they sooth my soul. They are usually not as noisy as other song genres like rock and hip hop! They are just universally lovable, because everyone loves peace and happiness.

Mogolo Kefalotse Ramalebang

how can we bring back the buyers?

to make sure that the buyers keep on buying their albums, every story that happen to them had to be consistently show,so that the buyers would know what had happen to their idol.
about the songs, they have to improve it,for me in Malaysian song sometimes is about the lyrics,cause it just don't match with how is suppose to be, which that should be improve too.

lovey lovey..

well,we have to first understand that in this music industry..there are so many types of music starting from where i am from to where you are...get it,so for this selected one "love songs",i think its just something uniform,or undastandable in anywhere,just like football to be specific...we all know that love is a part of our lives and for those who have experienced it say many things about it,the feelings..i think its like the sweetest thing ever so when people talk about it,its like refreshing the minds of those in songs also have a meaning so i guess that is the reason again...i mean compared to one like rock,its just hidious...

how can we bring back the buyers?

first we have to see the market,obviously in malaysia,young people rule it,so it must be targeted on them.what kind of song that usually they listen,something energetic and some soft element maybe(because i like it that way lol).
and improve the way how should the singers should be,promote them into maximum,but not just half way,all the time this thing has to done,or the buyers will started to forget about them.


my idea about lam's songs

I think your favorite songs are so popular among shows that there are some songs that has effected on many people.that's why you see some songs become famous and will be listened by many people for many years.they never become old for them.they play with our feelings.

Why are music albums by Malaysian singers NOT selling well in Malaysia now? What happened?

the reasons that Malaysian singers NOT selling well in their own country because we had listened to so many foreign song such as japanese,korean,hindustan and of cause english,from there we can see the gap of the quality of singing between us and theirs.
Not all of the singers in Malaysia can't sell their album, some of them did really good in their career like David had mention before,Dato' Siti Nurhaliza, Ning Baizura, or Pop Shuvit,their album sold really well.
The other reasons is maybe the song that has been compose, is not really suits the young generations nowadays, which has been expose to the better song,like i said foreign song.

i agree with Lam

i agree with Lam when he said love song welcome all people,its no matter we are kids,young,adult or old,all of us needs love.Just imagine this world without love song, we will fill really empty,and i admit it that i felt empty if i don't listen to love song at least 1 in a day,like i said to keep me motivated in previous post.

The power of music

Bombay Jayashri Ramnath
The writer is a Carnatic musician based in Chennai.
Music has the power to cause emotions to well up within us. These feelings are gripping - often irresistible - and seem to emerge from nowhere. These feelings colour our moods, affect our perceptions and generate a behavioural pattern. The indisputable fact about music is its power to evoke emotions. Is there anyone, for whom, music is completely emotional - neutral? Music has the ability to inevitably tap the still, mysterious deep well of our emotions.
Avinash Pasricha
However, music can produce various emotional responses in different individuals and even different responses in the same person at different times. Music may produce expressions of various emotions - peaceful, relaxing, exciting, festive, boring, unsettling, unstimulating, invigorating ... and so on.

How could we bring back the buyers?

I think it's already started. Years ago, Malaysian bands and singers were not so popular even among us, only the few very good ones like Siti Nurhaliza, Ning Baizura or Butterfingers. Others were just dragging along time. But now, our local radio stations starts to put out more local songs example the radio station "" having "Malaysian Top 10" every weekend to urge locals to cast in votes to their own favourite bands. Recently, our local band " Pop Shuvit " made it to the foreign countries such as Japan as well as America. Give another few years, local music will boost, just in a matter of time..

you judge!

just listen to this song.You will cry even you don't know the meaning!

listen love songs

music can be so effective in human behavior,way of thinking and feelings.i'm one of the girls in the world that the music is realyyyyy effective on close friends know it .they know that i can change my idea by listening to a special song!you can see it's effect in my university blog!
i think when people listen to the love songs it plays with their feelings.they just listen and can't see any thing or think about any thing else if they really listen to it.


Why everybody ‘digs’ love songs?
Ten of your best songs of all times and why?
Why are music albums by Malaysian singers NOT selling well in Malaysia now? What happened and how could we bring back the buyers?
Is there a future for traditional songs of patriotism and culture?

Well, for the first question, why everybody digs love songs? - I have to say the love songs are the most popular, antirsts write most, singles sing most love songs... almost the best songs in the world about the love - the unlimited topic, so no wonder people "digs" love songs.

In my opinions, love is a topic are welcome to all people. Everybody wanna love and be loved. So it's the state of mind of the artist (they're crazy in love).

Ten of my best songs all times:

1. Yesterday - The beatles

This song is the most popular song in my mind. When people talk about the Beatles, the first image of my mind is this song. A slow song but never boring.

2. Celine Dion - My Heart Will Go On

I start to listen MTV quiet late, and the one of the first songs I've heard is this songs. It's belong to the movie Titanic, the great movie.

3. Aerosmith -I Don't Want To Miss A Thing

Same at My Heart Will Go On, also in a famous move.

4. Backstreetboys - As long as you love me

I was so crazy of this band from this song. They also one of the best POP boyband in the world.

5.Michael Learns to Rock - That why

One of the most popular bands in Asia (althrough in Europe or USA, they are not famous). This song also one of the best song of their.

6. Air Supply - All out of love

This 2 singers band is great. First I heard this song was coverd again by a band, but when I listen again with Air Supply, I really into it.

7. Boys II Men & Mariah Carey- I'll Be There

The associated of 2 best in the world, it's problem if you don't like this song.

8. Linkin Park - Papercut

I still remember when my friend bought me the CD Hybrid Theory, I heard the first song - Papercut, I was very supprise, that's the new music!

9. Eminem - The Real Slim Shady

I don't listen Rap music much (even now it's the most popular), it's shame to say, The album he Marshall Mathers is the only whole album I've listened of a rapper.

10. Rufus Wainwright - Hallelujah

The soundtrack from an animation movie - Shrek. Soundtrack of animations are almost great, this song I've listen million times, but when listen it with the movie, it's really different.

Why are music albums by Malaysian singers NOT selling well in Malaysia now? What happened and how could we bring back the buyers?

I have no idea about this question because I'm not local, I just think it likes what happening in my country - Vietnam

People listen MTV (hardly to find a Vietnamese songs in MTV) and like the songs -> then they buy that CD.

More choiceswith different gernes.

The fake CDs (they more focus in local CD)

Bring back the audiences:
Stop and punish the people who made fake CDs hardly.
Sings more songs in local languages.
And need the help of the media (by introducing more in newspaper, TV, internet ect...)

Is there a future for traditional songs of patriotism and culture?
Yes, is there. Still have the culture, people still sing traditional songs of patriotism. Some of old traditional songs still alive and singing til now proved it.

Malaysian market

Why are music albums by Malaysian singers NOT selling well in Malaysia now? What happened and how could we bring back the buyers?

One of the reason why Malaysian albums not selling well in our own country is because we are so flooded by the western music and culture. We listen mostly to western music such as bands and singers like Celine Dion, Mariah Carey or My Chemical Romance. The western influences us so heavily that "WE" ourselves think that our local bands or singer albums are not good enough or even up to par with the western music industry. With these kind of thoughts, it's very hard to encourage us to listen to local albums.

What we see in our local musician is, most of the English singing bands or singers are kind of a " wannabe ". For example the Rap group. You can see almost a 100% dress up, culture and style they picked up from western American rappers.The clothing, the slang and even culture. We don't have our own... Style, local style of music. the more they wanna be westernized, the more they are being compared to.


From this side, argue session is on.
Everyone is argue with the article someone wrote. 
Somehow i don't agree with what the writer say that indian are drug addicts and criminals. 
I think may be he judge them by the band name...weird!..
So i think u all must take a look on this website...!!!

I agree with Veera

"Love song can also be relaxing for most of the people,as it is kind of sentimental,slow and smooth song,so it's can relax your mind body and souls." 
Yeah, it's true as sometimes when i listen to love song, that the time my body start to relax as well as my muscle. My mind will full with the love song and start to relax...
Sometimes when you're tired, you can just try to listen to some love song. It do work!

I agree with Wang zi

"Love song which thing romantic ,soft and make people feeling with it.
Evevybody like love song because everyone have the feeling of love!
When we listen the love song may be we happy ,we sad ,we comfortable
or we captivation"..

I agree with him that everyone has the feeling of love. no matter couples love, family love or friendship love, it's all the same. Love born in everyone heart. When we listen to love song, we'll have different of expression based on the lyric, theme and tone. Sometimes we can cry for the music while sometimes we can laugh ~...That the reason why everyone "digs' for love song!

How could we bring back the buyers for albums by Malaysia singers?

As i mentioned in the previous post, almost all songs by Malay singers are the same and bored. 
So i prefer if they can came out with something different and attractive. When we're in happy mood, it's true that we don't even wan to listen to moody or sad song....In the past few days, 
i went to Seri Kembangan JUSCO with my friends, my friends told me that the Malays songs are always sad and moody. That time i'm in an exciting mood, but, when i listen to that songs, my mood turn 180degrees completely. How could i buy a album that make me moody and sad?...
So that is one of the way to bring back the buyers by came out with different tone and theme of music.THIS IS IMPORTANT!

Why are music albums by Malaysian singers NOT selling well in Malaysia now? What happened and how could we bring back the buyers?

Well, not all of the music albums by Malaysia singers not selling well in Malaysia. Some of the singer in Malaysia are very popular and their albums do sell good in here. As i know, some of the malay singers from Malaysia can't get attention from the public. As i having conversation with my friends last few days, we talk about the malay singers in Malaysia. All of us agreed that sometimes we totally not understand what they're singing although we knew Malay language. Well, No matter happy , sad or love song in Malays, it always sound " SAD ".....
I don't know why! Mayb it's their tradision. This may be the one reason why music albums by them are not selling good. Because almost all the songs is the same tone and theme.....bored!...

Friday, September 12, 2008

Digging for the love song?=)

well love song is something different when we take a look at it.You can really feel it compare to other song, such as the mood.Besides, sometimes it motivates you in many things, and indirectly make you a better person.Giving you hope is one of the things that the love song does,which is like you can find something good in this life.

Another reason is that someone who falls in love,that's the time when he/she would 'dig' all the love song in the world to suits their moods, and wish that their love life would be as wonderful as the song.

Love song can also be relaxing for most of the people,as it is kind of sentimental,slow and smooth song,so it's can relax your mind body and souls.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

love love love songs~haha

Love song which thing romantic ,soft and make people feeling with it.
Evevybody like love song because everyone have the feeling of love!
When we listen the love song may be we happy ,we sad ,we comfortable
or we captivation.All that feeling we can share give the music the loving songs,
whan you amativeness you will like love song,to feeling the long word in the true.
whan you are married you need love love song,to make the mood.
Whan you lose in the love you need love song,to find and thinking the answer.
Whan you without love you need love song,to be the memory of love.
Whan you are happe ..whan you are unhappy …
You can see that ,how the love song useful and influence us,
So how can you still have any reason to don't like the love songs.?!
Hehe that’s all.

Topic Discussion 6 (Blog Assignment)

Topic Discussion 6 (Blog Assignment) :

Dear Friends,

Here is the topic discussion 6.

REMINDER: DEADLINE - SEPTEMBER 14, 2008, 12 midnight

Choose any one of these questions and start sharing, discussing, debating etc.

  • Why everybody ‘digs’ love songs?
  • Ten of your best songs of all times and why?
  • Why are music albums by Malaysian singers NOT selling well in Malaysia now? What happened and how could we bring back the buyers?
  • Is there a future for traditional songs of patriotism and culture?

EACH student must post at least 2 informal responses (2%), 2 reflective responses (2%), cite one reference (no wikipedia!, please) (1%) that deepens understanding of the topic discussion over a period of 5 days to 7 days. Please refer to Assignment brief slides under "Assignments" for more detail information.

Monday, September 8, 2008

yellow journalism?

i agree of what mogolo have said,some of the victims, such as akon, michael jackson, they have been bring down by the same media who brought them up at the begining,and all of this happen is just because to make the publisher get more money.
ok now back to the question,is it the information in the newspaper is reliable?
well most of it,the newspaper it is the reliable information for us to be obtain,but sometimes we cant just depend too much on ziyin had said,its up to us to decide whether it is exageratted or sesational.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

some victims of yellow journalism

Even though some of the people I will mention could have been guilty of some crimes, but i feel that they were exploited by the media, as its strategy to boost its sales.

Micheal Jackson: I bet everyone knows about his multiple child molestation trial. About how the media jumped into conclusions that this man was guilty even before a fair trial.

R kelly: *sigh* here comes yet another black man being accused of having sexual relations with a minor. As usual the media feasted upon his demise.

Akon: As if this wasn't enough, another African American music star was accused of indecency with a minor,"who mind you...was in a club for people 21 years and above"! And as luck wasn't on Akon's side, the media attacked him and this made headlines across the world.Thus more and more gains for the media,as people were just hungry for this downfall.

I will mention just these few.There are whole lot of people who fell prey of yellow journalism. And mostly these rich people.This media is very ironic,in the sense that its the same media that makes this people famous around the world(and these stars are happy because they gain fame and money),but its the same media that turns around later in the future to report scandals about these people(and in turn the media gains even more money through these scandals)

Mogolo Kefalotse Ramalebang

Yellow Journalism

The Yellow Journalism is the use of lurid features and sensationalized news in newspaper publishing to attract readers and increase circulation. The phrase was coined in the 1890s to describe the tactics employed in furious competition between two New York City newspapers, the World and the Journal . Joseph Pulitzer had purchased the New York World in 1883 and, using colourful, sensational reporting and crusades against political corruption and social injustice, had won the largest newspaper circulation in the country. His supremacy was challenged in 1895 when William Randolph Hearst, the son of a California mining tycoon, moved into New York City and bought the rival Journal.

Reference :


I agree with what David and Sim said . It is true that they use manipulation and exaggeration to gain public interest and earn more money , without those manipulation and exaggeration public wouldnt want to read the news and it will not be interesting enought to attract the readers . What for do they want to care about the audience when they can earn big money , for them manipulation and exaggeration is the key to earning money .

Newspaper reliable sources of information ?

With all those sensationalized and exaggerated news . I think newspaper are still the most reliable sources of information i would say it is our only source of information . Newspaper is where we get our daily entertainment news , business , world news and etc . Without the newspaper we wont get the news we want to know and we might not be able to gain the knowledge that is needed . We read what caught our attention and what is interesting . Therefore i should say that it is up to us to believe whether one news are sensationalized or exaggerated . That is how newspaper get it popularity and it is also how they earn their moeny .

A serious issue ignored

Why yellow press can be circulated freely after being sued and pressed charges against by common people, celebrities, and even political power ( The Government ). and yet the media can still stand till today. the law does not forbid the printing of news and stories in millions as long as the stories does not have royal issues or government issues that were manipulated. They can write freely on anything they want within limits. there is little we can do about yellow press, if we're the victim of yellow press then only we will know the truth. People believes the majority and the yellow press are cater to the " majority ". There is little we can do to stop this. Other people's misfortune are another entertainment for us. We will never feel the pain until the blade cuts right through our skin.

Agree with david post

"The media are playing a part in the political world not only just reporting events but manipulating and exaggerating it to gain public interest."
They are just give information to the audiences, but in the other hand, they are just manipulated the audiences and make the media rate to be higher to earn money. They never care of the audiences and they just want make the stories more interesting.

I agree with David

As david say , " Yeah of course we get our source of information from the media such as the newspapers and broadcasting news. To much of our knowledge, not ALL of the stories written are true. Stories can be written by anybody and anyone to believe it." . I also agreed that newspapers give us information. But not all the stories are true. It's up to that individual to choose to believe it or not. Anyone in this world can post any stories on the net, they can jz simply blog it without the evidence or truth of the news.

The Sensational Beginnings of Yellow Journalism

According to; (, this is how yellow journalism mushroomed;

n 1898, newspapers provided the major source of news in America. At this time, it was common practice for a newspaper to report the editor's interpretation of the news rather than objective journalism. If the information reported was inaccurate or biased, the American public had little means for verification. With this sort of influence, the newspapers wielded much political power. In order to increase circulation, the publishers of these papers often exploited their position by sponsoring a flamboyant and irresponsible approach to news reporting that became known as "yellow journalism." Though the term was originally coined to describe the journalistic practices of Joseph Pulitzer, William Randolph Hearst proved himself worthy of the title. Today, it is his name that is synonymous with "yellow journalism."

News papers and magazines have since carried this legacy for centuries...and it is working to their advantage. Even though people know of this yellow journalism, they tend to turn a blind eye to its damages, they enjoy the gossip, they secretly want to see the downfall of successful people. This is entertainment to a whole lot of people, including me. To be honest, good news isn't so exciting, but EVERY SCANDAL is good news to all the gossip far as I am concerned, this will never stop, unless if news papers or any media company wants to go bankrupt...but since these people are into this thing for profit,then will continue to embrace yellow journalism to satisfy the ever growing demands and addiction of gossip and scandal lovers....*evil grin*

Ramalebang Kefalotse Mogolo


This is the website I found on the new.
There are some news about the scandal of Hong Kong Stars.
They just simply post those news on it .
After you have vies this website, have you think of it's the story is true or jz a lie?
Have you ever think of it?

Are newspapers reliable sources of information?

For me, I think that newspapers are a reliable source of information just like any others like TV and radio. I had read a scandal news through newspapers. It's about a Hong Kong actors' scandal. Release of picture of Hong Kong Stars , Edison Chen, Bobo Chan, Gilian Chuang, Cecilia Cheung are currently embroiled in an embarrassing sex photo scandal that has whipped up a storm in the territory and the rest of the Chinese-speaking world. It all started on 27 January when various photographs of people resembling the above-named celebrities. In additions, the people in media sensationalized some of the news in that. They simply add others actors in that news as to make the news more exciting and attractful. Do they really care of other people feeling?Are actors not a humans as us? They don't have a life?


In media, people always used to make news or stories more excited and can attract the readers or audiences. They just simply add some information which do not have in the real news. This is call sensationalism. They do it because of making money. They wanted to attract the mind of audiences. It'll indirectly manipulated the mind of audiences and they can make more profits.
In my opinion, sensationalism today is very normal as everyone in this world is practicing it. Is this bad or good? Let give some comments.

The current situation

The current situation that is happening in our country examples like, our previous health minister, Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek, and Opposition party leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. They all hit the headlines of papers. They all made the matter look as if it's major crisis but in fact it is only a small matter, sensationalizing it. In one event, where Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim were asked to hand over his DNA samples to the police hit the main page with big bold letters attracting citizens to read it while at the bottom of the page lies a small column reporting a message by our PRIME MINISTER. The media are playing a part in the political world not only just reporting events but manipulating and exaggerating it to gain public interest. Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek resigned from his position of the head of Health minister because of a leak of a video of him with another woman in a room. The news was all over the papers and medias and even the western news. Because of the reports being flooded into newspapers gained public interest and somehow manipulating them, with repeated pressure from public forced Dr. Chua to resign. A political tactic using the media as a powerful weapon.


The question

Yeah of course we get our source of information from the media such as the newspapers and broadcasting news. To much of our knowledge, not ALL of the stories written are true. Stories can be written by anybody and anyone to believe it. Is it reliable or not the question is, well, i do agree its an important and reliable source of information. Where else can we get those information if it's not to be from the papers or medias ? Other than that, we must be there and then at the situation to get to know about the real situation. There is where reporters come in to do the job for us, how it will be sensationalize, manipulated or mislead is up to the people who have the power to report it.

It is up to us to believe what's real and what's been much exaggerated. We read only what excites us, what we're interested in. We tend to believe everything that is printed on the "newspaper". That is how the papers can gain such popularity along the centuries without fail.

Yellow journalism

Practiced among print medias, stories that were exaggerated, mislead and manipulated to gain popularity, increase newspaper sales and exiting public opinions.

It all started, with rapid industrialization that was happening all around the world. The Industrial Revolution eventually affected the newspaper industry, allowing newspapers access to machines that could easily print thousands of papers in a single night. This is believed to have brought into play one of the most important characteristics of yellow journalism - the endless drive for circulation. And unfortunately, the publisher's greed was very often put before ethics.

Information of yellow Journalism

"Yellow" Journalism
As newspapers began to compete more and more with one another to increase circulation and obtain more advertising revenue, a different type of journalism was developed by publishers Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst.
In the mid-1890s, Pulitzer (in the New York World) and Hearst (in the San Francisco Examiner and later the New York Morning Journal) transformed newspapers with sensational and scandalous news coverage, the use of drawings and the inclusion of more features such as comic strips.

Defining "Yellow Journalism":Competition with Hearst

William Randolph HearstThe Pulitzer name remains popular today because it is associated with the most prestigious award in American journalism. Yet many historians revile the award's benefactor with charges of irresponsible reporting and sensationalism. The Pulitzer name is most often linked in textbooks with that of William Randolph Hearst, a Californian who assumed control of the Journal in 1895.
Hearst burst onto Park Row, the New York street lined with newspaper buildings, and immediately began to shake things up. The ironic and tragic elements of the story cannot be ignored. The Journal was founded in 1882 by Albert Pulitzer, Joseph's brother. Albert sold the paper at a profit, and it continued with a modest circulation until Hearst moved to New York and purchased it. Surely, Hearst would have bought another paper had the Journal not been for sale, but Joseph had to live with the fact that the newspaper which became his chief competitor had originated within his own family. The two brothers became estranged over time, as Joseph considered his sibling rash and frivolous.
The irony does not end there; both Joseph Pulitzer and Hearst were outsiders when they came to New York. Their papers appealed to the same elements of the city that had previously been ignored by the press. Women, labor leaders, Democrats, immigrants and the poor found articles that held their interest and represented their political views.

The yellow journalism

The yellow journalism give us the news which are determinate.
In newspaper publishing, the use of lurid features and sensationalized news in newspaper publishing to attract readers and increase circulation.
Inflammatory, irresponsible reporting by newspapers. The phrase arose during the 1890s, when some American newspapers, particularly those run by William Randolph Hearst, worked to incite hatred of Spain, thereby contributing to the start of the Spanish-American War. Newspapers that practice yellow journalism are called yellow press.

The Sensational Beginnings of Yellow Journalism

In1898, newspapers provided the major source of news in America. At this time, it was common practice for a newspaper to report the editor's interpretation of the news rather than objective journalism. If the information reported was inaccurate or biased, the American public had little means for verification. With this sort of influence, the newspapers wielded much political power. In order to increase circulation, the publishers of these papers often exploited their position by sponsoring a flamboyant and irresponsible approach to news reporting that became known as "yellow journalism." Though the term was originally coined to describe the journalistic practices of Joseph Pulitzer, William Randolph Hearst proved himself worthy of the title. Today, it is his name that is synonymous with "yellow journalism."

How journalism influenced the Spanish/American War
he press played a tremendous part in leading the charge toward America's involvement in Cuba. Two publishers, William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer, stood out among these opportunists. They perceived the conflict with Spain as their chance to increase circulation of their newspapers. Seizing upon the opportunity to capitalize on the growing spirit of American patriotism, Hearst and Pulitzer printed sensational anti-Spanish stories. Graphic illustrations commissioned from some of the country's most-talented artists and stories written by premiere authors and journalists of the day were fodder for fueling the flames of war. Together, Hearst and Pulitzer created a frenzy among the American people by reporting the alleged brutality of the Spanish toward the Cuban rebels. (However, acts of outrage committed by the Cubans were seldom mentioned.) By the time the USS Maine exploded in Havana Harbor, the pro-war press had roused national sentiment to the point that President McKinley feared his political party would suffer if he did not engage in war with Spain.

Yellow Journalism

A much-maligned genre that exerted powerful influence in American journalism in the late nineteeth and early twentieth centuries.
As practiced more than a century ago, yellow journalism was much criticized but its salient features were often emulated.
At, you will find excerpts from "my book", Yellow Journalism: Puncturing the Myths, Defining the Legacies, as well as a detailed timeline tracing the emergence of yellow journalism in the 1890s, notably in New York City where William Randolph Hearst's New York Journal battled Joseph Pulitzer's New York World.
As defined above and as practiced more than a century ago, yellow journalism could not be called predictable, boring, or uninspired — complaints of the sort that are not infrequently raised about U.S. newspapers in the early twenty-first century.
Yellow journalism also gave rise to some of the most enduring myths in American journalism. Notable among these myths is Hearst's purported vow to "furnish the war" with Spain. As described in Yellow Journalism , that well-done anecdote almost certainly is apocryphal. However, it is often cited as "Exhibit A" in support of the enticing yet altogether specious argument that the yellow press of New York City fomented the Spanish-American War of 1898. That myth, too, is debunked in Yellow Journalism . I trust you will find a rich, useful, and revealing resource.


I dont remember something well but i think the owner of the show and TV of cause as the owner planned everything and knowing his wrongdoings just went and involved innocent people promising them millions like Van Gough...i mean come on,no one on planet earth could have turned away their offer,even worse with answers provided because all you had to do was memorise or just write the answers something in a piece of paper where no one could see them....there are many ways of cheating,you know them so just conclude.


I think that news papers are a reliable source of information just like any others like TV and radio and others.i have read about sensationalized things before in my home country and the topic was scandalous and think that to that person talked of it was real embarrassing because they were talking about a well known intertainer who was also famous for singing kwaito music which of cause you have nt heard of.And they were talking about his embarrassing past moments in his life after a little incident which took place at a certain place somewhere around Gaborone.

i think this things are done just for the company to run,or something to fill up the space,pull someone down or simply embarass the hell out of someone...

quiz shows

i think cheating in this show games is more like the air we breath,water...or all in all everything..they just cant live without with all that my answer is that yes there are a lot of cheating going will have to forgive me on this one because i dont watch TV that much or should i say at all,so i ll just blend in with what Mogolo said,because i ve seen the show so i do believe that there is a lot of cheating....using children for that sake,no,its an obvious add on to that i think it doesnt only happen in the States but rather all over evev where i am from.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

quiz show discussion

I wish to appologise to you guys for my late submission concerning the quiz show blog.Its because previously it was stated that the deadline for it is the 7th of September....i hope u guys remember!but anyway, back to the topic.

QUESTION:Do you think other TV programs; either American or elsewhere could have some kind of cheating in their programs? Suggest one; and why you think so.

I believe that so many other programs on Tv today have the same cheating that was present during the quiz show. It appears to be rather unnatural for someone, no matter how learned they are, to master everything in every field.
There are a few shows that i suspect to have the same unjust system, but il just mention one! I wonder if you guys know a show called "ARE YOU SMARTER THAN A FIFTH GRADER?",well, for those who do not know it,i'l take this time to shed some light....(in this program, children from the fifth grade are made to compete against Adults. They are always given extremely challenging questions, and more often, or should i say almost all the time,its the fifth grader who answers correctly and his/her competitor(who is usually a person of a very sound Educational background) mostly if not always,LOSES!
This really sounds fishy to me!I know there are genius children out there,but this show just makes it seem as if almost all fifth graders who enter for that show is a genius! furthermore, i feel that producers of this show could be helping these 5th graders with revision before the actual show, because they want the kids to appear to be intelligent,and moreover to continue the legacy of the show... which is to prove to the educated Adult competitor that they are not really wise,and that children can actually be that Smart! This is just entertainment!nothing else!

Reference :

Mogolo Kefalotse Ramalebang

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Blog Assignment - Topic Discussion 5

Dear Friends,

Here is your topic discussion 5. It's a pretty interesting topic, so enjoy!

REMINDER: DEADLINE - SEPTEMBER 7, 2008, 12 midnight


Yellow journalism was said to have started in the US. Sensationalized, biased, distorted, exaggerated stories, news or images to boost sales of newspaper. They write stories that excites the public such as scandalous affairs of high profile people, citings of extraterrestial, grusome murders etc.
Some examples of catchy headlines that sells: George Michael’s Closet Gay, Spears Vs Iminem, Imelda Marcos Shoe Diaries, Who Killed Kurt Cobain? Apasal Siti Kahwin Duda? Beckham’s Losing It, Bush’s Third Grade Grammar, Kenapa Mawi DiKejar Hantu? etc.

Are newspapers reliable sources of information? What are some real examples that you’ve read of which you feel were over sensationalized?


EACH student must post at least 2 informal responses (2%), 2 reflective responses (2%), cite one reference (no wikipedia!, please) (1%) that deepens understanding of the topic discussion over a period of 5 days to 7 days. Please refer to Assignment brief slides under "Assignments" for more detail information.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

sexual and race influence?

it could be a fact, what we see from advertisement, television and magazines , models clad in sexy outfit, bikini, male models with lean and muscular figure is the popular appearance. We seldom see fat people or people besides the caucasian in tv ads. Why? It is the culture already. The young people now think that if they dont own that body of that model or have the nose or cheekbone of that actor, they will be left out and looked down. It all got to do with the proper up bringing and mindset. The media can influence the young minds easily and making then believe wat they see is always true. What wang zi said is true, we need to know how to differentiate between reality and fantasy.

Influence of Media upon Young People's Sexual Concept

To be frank, sex is such a great and hot topic that people ague and is interested in during the busy and changeable world. And of course it is really easy to find out the sexual information in our everyday life. Where does the sexual information exist on earth? How can you get such information without so much effort? And why are there many sexual problems among the young people? However, there is a clear but complex reason that is the power of the great media.
As we all know, TV, radio, newspaper, magazines, Internet and advertisement, such main active parts of the modern media have permeated to almost every fields of people’s life. One cannot study, work and even live without the help of the media now. As a result, people’s behaviors, customs and minds were unconsciously influenced and changed by the media, which exists everywhere.
It is said that, the pressure put on young people, especially on young girls through ads, television, film and new media to be sexually attractive and sexually active is profound. These days I have had some research that is about the influence of media on the Internet. The National Eating Disorders Association reports that one out of four TV commercials send some kind of "attractiveness message," telling viewers what is and is not attractive. The young Now reports that 38 per cent of the female characters in video games are scantily clad, 23 per cent baring breasts or cleavage, 31 per cent exposing thighs, another 31 per cent exposing stomachs or midriffs, and 15 per cent baring their behinds. What is attractive? What is sexy? The young had told us what they are in their mind.

Question 7

This movie is based on the social condition of the 50’s where the culture and attitude was different our present era of digital lifestyle. Would we have the same problems if there is such a program (like the Quiz Show) today?

Of couse we have.we called this age is digitak world that you can see the digital media in everywhere of our life.So the media have more influence for our life than before.
Today with the pressure of the growth people need free and have some fun as a adjustment for the busy life.Some people don't have so many time to go out have a fun so they what TV,online and read newspaper.Things like this you can see that people build upon the media today. I think this problem is more graveness than before .

Question 6

Are there different sets of moral exist between academic and entertainment? Why and how so?
Yes,of couse.there must have a different maral exist between academic and entertainment.

I think entertainment is just something fun,both the program and the actors just make fun give the audience,so audience should keep a feeling that just have a fun.The entertainment is another is one thing that scientific ,precise and we need reckon with that.
And I think both our fun and study we need.

Media Media Media

Without media, what would happen to the world?...
Media almost control everything in the world.(news, entertainment, sports, politics, economy and society). Media can be a part of us and almost all the thing we done will be through media.
Like what Anam and David said, the media did not fraud the viewers into giving them money. They're just giving the information to the audience but behind they do manipulated the mind of audience. As David mention, it's always up to the individual to choose or not. Media can't force bu they can attract and manipulate the viewers. At the end, all is just about money, people used media to make money and it's up to the person to make the choice.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Continuation of " Quiz Show " discussion

Choose any questions from the list to discuss, it will be followed up.

Thank you


DEADLINE: 7th September 2008, 12 midnight.

Each week each student must post at least 2 informal responses (2%), 2 reflective responses (2%), cite one reference (no wikipedia!, please) (1%) that deepens understanding of the topic discussion over a period of 5 days to 7 days. Please refer to Assignment brief slides under "Assignments" for more detail information.

  • At the end of the movie, when pressed for comments by reporters on the Public Enquiry of Charles Van Doren, a visibly annoyed Howard Stempel remarked: “You people (meaning: the press) never want to leave the guy alone unless you leave him alone.” What can we make of his comment here?
  • The movie examines a popular Television program which was said to be cheating. If they (the production people) cheated, why would you think that they were not punished?
  • Who do you think is to be blamed on this deception (lies): Television? Howard Stempel? Charles Van Doren? The sponsor? (Geritol – a pharmaceutical product)? The American people? Or all of them?
  • Do you think other TV programs; either American or elsewhere could have some kind of cheating in their programs? Suggest one; and why you think so.
  • Are there different sets of moral exist between academic and entertainment? Why and how so?
  • This movie is based on the social condition of the 50’s where the culture and attitude was different our present era of digital lifestyle. Would we have the same problems if there is such a program (like the Quiz Show) today?

Monday, August 25, 2008

question 3

If you were the one in Charles Van Doren’s shoes, do you think you would do the same? (Confess your guilt on TV

after TVs fault it was his fault accepting that unfair task.
But fair is this to say that it was so hard for him to confess in front of tousends of people.
i think i would do the same.


The media almost always win. Majority of the population on earth live through medias and technology. As i said earlier, shows on Televisions such as quiz show or game shows are merely for entertainment and money-making business. Whatever happen behind the scenes we do not care until we're told of any misconduct. But as a whole, we are just there for the entertainment and leisure, enjoyment and laughter. As long as we get entertained we're satisfied. Like what Anam said, the media did not fraud the viewers into giving them money. Plus, they told the game participant the truth before letting them play the game. It is up to the person to agree on it. The media just wanted to top the ranking, viewers have had their choices to view or not to view the program.

Enough said, all these are just merely ways and techniques in making money.

questoin 1

At the end of the movie, when pressed for comments by reporters on the Public Enquiry of Charles Van Doren, a visibly annoyed Howard Stempel remarked: “You people (meaning: the press) never want to leave the guy alone unless you leave him alone.” What can we make of his comment here?

the guy is blaming the reporters and correspondents because they are over investigating the information and are just somehow playing with his (van doren)reputation, it is right, he has lied but does he deserve all these?

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Confess your guilt on TV

If i am in Charles Van Doren shoes , i will confess my guilt on TV because whatever he did on TV whether the audience knew or not , it will always be in him , like what farouq say it will haunt him , eventually the truth will be revealed sooner or later , Why not tell the truth ? Say it out both parties will feel better , well not really both but the audience wants to know the truth not the fake part of it

question 5

Who do you think is to be blamed on this deception: Television? Howard Stempel? Charles Van Doren? The sponsor? (Geritol – a pharmaceutical product)? The American people? Or all of them?

in my opinion it was television's fault at first.because this cheat started by that and then van doren accept it.the power was in TV's hand to make the program.
people trust on this media and TVs should be blamed by th government to make a strong trust between people.espacially Tv that is being watched by a big amount of people.

The Power of the Media

Why does it matter that entertainment is slipping morally? Consider this: Have you ever gotten a tune stuck in your head? All you need to hear are a few bars and it starts involuntarily buzzing around in there. For hours. It could be a commercial jingle or a Top-40 hit. Maybe you heard it in a shopping mall or a restaurant. We wander through a supermarket and find ourselves humming the last song we heard on the radio before getting out of the car. We carry a hymn from the morning worship service with us long into Sunday afternoon. We toss and turn in bed trying to expunge an uninvited television theme song.
Then there’s the visual media. Most of us can recall disturbing images we wish we could erase from our minds. Things we’ve seen in movies, in magazines, on TV. The point is that music and images tend to travel with us. Good or bad, they rarely go in one ear and out the other. And the downward trend of entertainment morality means that we’re carrying around images and lyrics that are increasingly destructive.


the painful lie

1. i think the guy meant like it's enough torturing Van Doren, he has already confessed his guilt, don't humiliate him anymore.

2. what this television program did was simply hiding the truth, they did not swear that what they say is pure truth. and one more thing, they were most likely to be the first people tempted to hide the truth in order to get higher viewers' ranking or what so ever. they did not defraud the people and get their MONEY.

3. well, if i were in his shoes, i wouldn't have lied but if i had already started lying i wouldn't have revealed the truth unless the same thing would have happened to me (Charles Van Doren).

4. I think the person who is convinced to lie is to be blamed, even if the producer had offered him to lie, he should have not lied. the person tempted should be punished...

5.Sure, certainly, don't hesitate to think if it is true or not. as far as great money, fame and media is concerned there are lies that are being hidden from the people. But since i don't watch tv often, i just don't have any tv program in my mind.

6.There is a dichotomy between these two set of morals. Academic set of morals are to be strict since they are related to people future and lives, but entertainment, even if it is based on lies and people find out, they just didn't miss any important thing, a simple feel of being betrayed to! but what if a person is lied to when it is about education.... ?!

7.It is quite overt that we still have people that are surefooted viewers of TV programs (e.g. American Idol, Britains got talent), but they are not as that willing and depended on TV like before. So, i can predict like they won't be that upset if they find out they have been lied to, their population has increased much more than that era (50s) but they don't find it a serious problem if they are having the same problem like the scanda.

8. seems like the confessing scene was the most effective, painful and sensative scene throughout the movie, i guess it infulenced everyone, alittle bit painful though... .
anam badpa 1071115733

Answer of Question 8

Do you have a specific scene in the movie that you think deserved your vote for the most memorable scene? Discuss one.

It’s near the end,the lawyer who disclose and indict the lies,he site on a small chair behand the most lawyer and lookedvery sad,in the ebd of adjudgement he talk about (I cant remembered the frondise words):all us made a new news by media again and TV around us in of life we cant deny it.
Yeh I think in the end he found all the things what he do was used by TV again like another show..
I know that in this world if any one need something than will have someone to provied that,this is why the show is a big lie,because people want to see the more better more pefect winer and all the Tv and media like a big businessman he provied “every thing” we want,whatever that is lies or trues.

Answer of Question 3

If you were the one in Charles Van Doren’s shoes, do you think you would do the same? (Confess your guilt on TV)

I believe that is the right way what he can do for this things.
Yes I will do the same,I think whatever you said all the fact or said the lies again,on TV it will be a new news by the media disseminate ,so if I say the trues I think I can end the
annoyance more quickly,because the media or TV just want find the thing which commonage pay attention or media choose which they want make it to a focus.
After that (confess your guilt on TV)it’s not courtroom,It will be the media and the common person will give a gauge and feedback for this. I think this is what we called the power of the
public opinion .

Memorable scene

Well the most memorable scene in this movie will most probably be the part where Charles Van Doren confess that he did take part in the scam to his dad ( Mark Van Doren ) . The emotion and his guts to confess such a shameful crime that involve his family and his family name "Van Doren" is really a memorable scene in this movie . What i saw in this movie is honesty the best policy , although honesty hurts but its the only way to keep our dignity

Some References that I Found

In that websites, the article is all about how media make trick on audience mind. People do always believe everything in media. As people say, " Media always correct, No one will post or advertise something if it's wrong." Do you believe this?...As a example in that websites, Iraq war stories play tricks on the mind. Do you believe that?....News and advertisement always play trick on us. We tend to believe that everything from media. So, in my opinion, first, media give us information, after that, media manipulate our mind. That is my statement.

Agree Agree

I agreed with Mogolo statement.
According to her,she believe that if she was in their shoes, she would have taken the offer of such quick and easy money...its just tempting. Mostly everyone in this world would do that too, including me. Who don't like money?... No money, life would be as difficult like me now. I'm almost broke and i'm suffering now. " No Money No Talk"....that what would other peoples say if you're totally broke.
So, Do money really important?


Well well well....This time i totally agreed with Veera Juth.
No matter how rush we're, we must at least think of the step we choose or do.
If we make a careless mistake, we won't always be so lucky to cover that mistake.
People who make a choice without thinking are someone who will make more mistake.
So my friends, Think before ACTION!!!!

If you were the one in Charles Van Doren’s shoes, do you think you would do the same? (Confess your guilt on TV)

I think i won't do the same as Charles Van Doren's shoes. I won't confess my guilty. As ntLam mentioned, i'll be silence and keep it as a secret. We, as a nation tend to rake celebrities and politicians across the coals for things that we do every day. We think little of abusing them or "bringing them down". But, how do we know we'd act differently in their situation? Maybe We might just do the exact same things. Sometimes, I think that's why we are so self-righteous about it, because at the end of the day, we're all the same. We're all selfish.
Maybe i'll just walk away silently. This is what i'll do.

So, Do anyone have any others opinions or comments?

Most Memorable Scene

Howard Stempel tell everyone in the court that the TV program,21 is a scam. At the end , his statement had been totally rejected by the judges and juror because the media's people play a fool on him. Because he trust it, so he do mistake.

In my opinion, everyone should think before action. This is very importance as we can make some preparation so that we can avoid mistake.

Confessing the truth

On tv, the main thing i would confess is how handsome i am....muahahahaha.

If I were in Charles's position, I would have confessed sooner or later. Due to the fact that the guilt of cheating would have haunted me. It doesn't matter that you are an educated or uneducated person, you are still a human being. Things like this gonna is effect you in one way or another.

(-_-") Getting tired more and more these days.

confess your guilt on Tv?....-YES!

As tough as this might seem, i feel this is the right thing to do. So if i were in Charles Van Doren's shoes,i would confess my guilt on Tv too.I believe that every success that comes easily and without any hard work is too good to be true!And such success always ends in disaster!I would confess because there was a lot of cheating and manipulation involved.Despite the fact that i would shame my family,i would still confess...this will show that because i was given a very good upbringing by my parents,i know when enough is enough!!for the sake of having peace with my father,i would confess;especially to make it clear that he(my father) had no knowledge nor supported my actions in anyway!moreover, i will confess because the truth sets everyone free....even if i stood the chance of losing my job,and somehow facing some lawsuits,but at least the truth would set my soul free....i would be free of a guilty conscience at last!

Mogolo Kefalotse Ramalebang

memorable scene!

According to me, the most memorable scene was when we discovered that Herbie Stempel had been given the answers to the questions just like Charles Van Doren. I actually had a mixture of uncertain emotions towards everyone involved!at one point i actually regreted feeling sorry for him, for his loss over a very simple question about a movie he claims he had watched!i regret feeling sorry for him,because i realise that he is just as selfish as the likes of Albert Freedman. At the same time, i kind of not blame him(Herbie Stempel) nor Charles Van Doren for what they did. I believe that if i was in their shoes, i would have taken the offer of such quick and easy money...its just tempting


by: Mogolo Kefalotse Ramalebang

* Reminder *

The 2 questions to discuss from the topic

-Do you have a specific scene in the movie that you think deserved your vote for the most memorable scene? Discuss one.

-If you were the one in Charles Van Doren’s shoes, do you think you would do the same? (Confess your guilt on TV)

DEADLINE: 24th August & 7th September 2008, 12 midnight.

if i were in his shoes

If i were in Charles Van Doren’s shoes,i would confess,because it is involving the family name,and as you can see his father is a well known poet,so like one of the scene when his father said"your name is mine",that's enough to prove that we have to consider our family name before doing anything.Besides to be a human, that is the thing that we should do,the right thing,so i have the same thinking with David.

the scene

for me the most memorable scene is in the court where Howard Stempel made a statement that the TV program,which is 21,is a scam.He told everything about the scam to the judges and juror,however,because of his careless mistake,he been trick by the media's people and all his statement has been rejected.
In this scene,i have learn something,which is becareful in every steps that u take,because we would not know when someone will "get" us and bring us down,and i think this should be something to everyone has to realize.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Confess your guilt on TV - No.

If you were the one in Charles Van Doren’s shoes, do you think you would do the same? (Confess your guilt on TV)

Actually, in that case, If i were to be in Charles Van Doren's shoes, I think i wouldn't do that. I will leave in silent.
Dan gave Charles Van Doren :
* He had never earned a lot of money like that before
* People respect him via the Quiz Show
Dan made him bad? No,- He had been educated before came to the show, he was adult and He decided to do that, cases open to him.
So against him (cause of a stupid guys keep walking around and talked all time about sue Dan), it is for?
Tell the true to the audience? - to say you all stupid and I cheated you by this this, that that... when they are entertain.

It is entertaiment

First, I have to say it is an interesting movie cause of the true.
A specific scene in the movie that I think deserved my vote for the most memorable scene?, let's see. I think it is one of the last scene, when Dan answers the innocent of theirs.
And the media, killed Mark Van Doren because he against them - against MEDIA.
I like the sentence, finally, it is entertaiment, and audience doesn't need (or not allowed) to know about the true, beside the studio quiz show or whatever about media, all they want is entertaiment.
A news about Olympic in China, people knew a baby girl sang live sync the song of Olympic, actually, the girl sang that song is not beautiful. The oganization decided to do that just about want audience had a great time so they chose a beautiful girl to sing live sync that song). In this case, I think it somehow related to the movie Quiz Show.

Right thing to do

If i were to be in Charles Van Doren's shoes, I think i would have done the same. Being Charles Van Doren, an American Intellectual, professor and writer. a well educated person who place education first. I think i would confess my guilt because I have deceived many who look up upon me as a symbol of intellectual and knowledge by involving myself in this kind of entertainment-business scandal. For example, My father is a very well-known prize winning poet whose son were involved in a scandal. The son himself whose also well known for his own achievement, to live in this guilt, to go on carrying the responsibility and lies in his life. I dont think this is possible for him to do, as an educated person, confessing his guilt is the only solution to clear his name as well as his mistake.



The most memorable scene left in my mind from that movie is when Charles confesses to his father that the game show is all lies and he was part of the scam. The scene between the father and the son is very memorable. A father who is so famous for his knowledge as well as his son Charles. The two of them have to accept the fact that, the son has been involved in a scam and the father's name will be tarnished too. The conversation between them were meaningful and honest where Charles had even asked his dad to accompany him to his confession.

Any of my friends here had any memorable scenes from the movie we like to discuss about ?

Friday, August 22, 2008

The 2 questions to discuss from the topic

-Do you have a specific scene in the movie that you think deserved your vote for the most memorable scene? Discuss one.

-If you were the one in Charles Van Doren’s shoes, do you think you would do the same? (Confess your guilt on TV)


DEADLINE: 24th August & 7th September 2008, 12 midnight.

Each week each student must post at least 2 informal responses (2%), 2 reflective responses (2%), cite one reference (no wikipedia!, please) (1%) that deepens understanding of the topic discussion over a period of 5 days to 7 days. Please refer to Assignment brief slides under "Assignments" for more detail information.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Topic Discussion 3 & 4 for Blog Assignment! :

Dear Students,

Reflect on the questions below and share your opinion over the next two weeks in your blog assignment.


DEADLINE: 24th August & 7th September 2008, 12 midnight.

Each week each student must post at least 2 informal responses (2%), 2 reflective responses (2%), cite one reference (no wikipedia!, please) (1%) that deepens understanding of the topic discussion over a period of 5 days to 7 days. Please refer to Assignment brief slides under "Assignments" for more detail information.

Questions to Ask and Points to Ponder
Quiz Show Movie Screening on Friday

  • At the end of the movie, when pressed for comments by reporters on the Public Enquiry of Charles Van Doren, a visibly annoyed Howard Stempel remarked: “You people (meaning: the press) never want to leave the guy alone unless you leave him alone.” What can we make of his comment here?
  • The movie examines a popular Television program which was said to be cheating. If they (the production people) cheated, why would you think that they were not punished?
  • If you were the one in Charles Van Doren’s shoes, do you think you would do the same? (Confess your guilt on TV)
  • Who do you think is to be blamed on this deception (lies): Television? Howard Stempel? Charles Van Doren? The sponsor? (Geritol – a pharmaceutical product)? The American people? Or all of them?
  • Do you think other TV programs; either American or elsewhere could have some kind of cheating in their programs? Suggest one; and why you think so.
  • Are there different sets of moral exist between academic and entertainment? Why and how so?
  • This movie is based on the social condition of the 50’s where the culture and attitude was different our present era of digital lifestyle. Would we have the same problems if there is such a program (like the Quiz Show) today?
  • Do you have a specific scene in the movie that you think deserved your vote for the most memorable scene? Discuss one.